Ending a Year of Rotting Ruin
Ending a Year of Rotting Ruin Friday, July 03, 2020 First, the elephant: Let me say that we did not…
Ending a Year of Rotting Ruin Friday, July 03, 2020 First, the elephant: Let me say that we did not…
With the launch and general availability of Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms Core Rules and starting figure sets, we’ve decided…
It’s July, and everyone’s gaming! So here’s an undying set of wallpapers for your computer, your smartphone, or whatever electronic…
July Update – AcP, Sanctioning, Spotlights and Conventions Thursday, July 2, 2020 OPM Musings With two online conventions under…
Author of Play Unsafe and designer of Cthulhu Dark, Graham Walmsley, joins me on the podcast today. We discuss his…
A hulking effigy carved from solid bloodstone clings to the sanctuary steeple. A closer look reveals a sinister winged creature…
Never Gonna Stop Adventurin’ Who wants something a little less serious and a little more… gross? Well then, my friend,…
More bargains than you bargained for! If you can’t trust your magic items, well, then you may have bought them…
By Gavin Dady Our first post launch release expands upon the Adventurer faction with the Adventurer Followers and Adventurer Allies…
Adron Buske, the host of the FICTITIOUS podcast, returns to the show to discuss becoming a better gamemaster by studying…
When it comes to the 4th pillar of your game, which if you haven’t figured out by now is fun,…
On July 11th, prepare your blood wine and your bat’leths. It will be a Day of Honor. In honor of…
On July 11th, prepare your blood wine and your bat’leths. It will be a Day of Honor. In honor of…
Starting today, beta signups are open for the new Fallout: Wasteland Warfare mobile app on iOS and Android. Build force…
Mark Meer Mark is known worldwide for his work as Commander Shepard and more in the Mass Effect Trilogy, and…
Rare and Magical. Welcome to Beadle & Grimm’s. The Dungeons & Dragons Special Editions from Beadle & Grimm's: Produced by…
From Dark Horse comics, see the moment the boys meet Dustin for the first time. Later in the series, Eleven…
Dungeons & Dragons teaches that diversity is strength, for only a diverse group of adventurers can overcome the many challenges…
At the Spine of the World takes place in Icewind Dale and Ten-Towns, an area blighted by feral beasts, continual…
Graeme Davis is one of the original designers of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay as well as a designer of Kingdoms of…
Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters, coming to Kickstarter in just over two weeks, is crammed full of awesome art. Here's…
80 recipes inspired by the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons—perfect for a solo quest or a feast shared with…
80 recipes inspired by the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons—perfect for a solo quest or a feast shared with…
Dr. Michael Drout is a professor of English as well as a leading Tolkien scholar. In our conversation on the…
One of the most popular actual play tabletop RPG shows on Twitch is closing its doors after seven years. RollPlay,…
In addition to the 100 or so mythological figures and maleficent monsters in this gorgeous book, there are over 30 magical…
Community Manager at D&D Adventurers League Amy is an obsessive baker and avid gamer who thrives when herding cats and…
Community Manager at D&D Adventurers League Amy is an obsessive baker and avid gamer who thrives when herding cats and…
Take our latest Unearthed Arcana survey. Last time, Unearthed Arcana presented revised versions of the Revived, Noble Genie, and Arcivist…
Darren W. Pearce was kind enough to join me on the Dicegeeks podcast today. He is a writer and game…
Read more at this site
Having just sent the final three entries to layout - Nessie, Lucifer, and Peter Pan - this book is pretty…
After 25 years, one of Spain’s most prestigious and critically acclaimed tabletop RPGs is finally available for English-speaking players. Aquelarre…
All art featured in this article is owned by Nosolorol After 25 years, one of Spain’s most prestigious and critically…
By Mark Latham When we first began designing the Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms, we set out a list…
By Krister Sundelin Rules in roleplaying games are a curious phenomenon. Unlike any other game, rules are more like guidelines because…
My guest today is Matt Wilson the founder and Chief Creative Officer of Privateer Press, a miniatures game company. We…
June 18-20, 2020 Help a Good Cause at the Most Star-Studded D&D Event Ever! People all over the world continue…
See the full Troubleshooters Kickstarter here for a host of unlocks, stretch goals and more: By Krister Sundelin March 19th,…
June 18-20, 2020 Help a Good Cause at the Most Star-Studded D&D Event Ever! People all over the world continue…
James Introcaso is a tabletop role-playing game designer for D&D and the host of the Table Top Babble podcast. He…
Read more at this site
Troubleshooters is an upcoming action-adventure tabletop roleplaying game set in an exciting and adventurous 1960s in the style of Franco-Belgian comics.…
Three subclasses reappear today in Unearthed Arcana, each with a new form. After studying your feedback on the Revived, Noble…
Read more at this site
Sometimes, for whatever reason, you can't get together with your Dungeons & Dragons group in person. Long before D&D came out…
Time to level up your 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons games? We have a range of adventures, selection of new classes, races,…
Mythological Figures & Maleficent Monsters grows closer. Here's a look at the trailer for the 5th Edition sourcebook!More
Community Manager at D&D Adventurers League Amy is an obsessive baker and avid gamer who thrives when herding cats and…
Dungeons & Dragons had its best financial year in 2019 and now they have officially announced that there is a…
Dungeons & Dragons had its best financial year in 2019 and now they have officially announced that there is a…
The Dungeons & Dragons tournaments run at the 1970s Origins conventions are the stuff of legends: there was the Tomb…
Shine with the power of the mind in this installment of Unearthed Arcana! Today we revisit several psi-themed options that…
Posted on Apr 10, 2020 | To coincide with the release of Saltmarsh Encounters — written by the Dungeon Masters…
Posted on Apr 8, 2020 | To coincide with the release of Encounters in Avernus — written by the Dungeon…
Over the past few weeks, we have been monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and closely following the situation and adjusting…
Far Verona is a streamed tabletop RPG produced by JP “itmejp” McDaniel’s RollPlay brand. It scrapped the rest of its…
CONTENT WARNING: SEXUAL ASSAULT Far Verona, a streamed tabletop RPG produced by J.P. “itmejp” McDaniel’s RollPlay brand has scrapped the…
Posted on Apr 2, 2020 | Something different is happening in the Oracle of War campaign for the D&D Adventurers…
I’d like to address my fellow Star Trek Adventures gamemasters for a moment and try to convince you that your next campaign…
By Gavin Dady A very short Dev blog this time to talk about the rules PDFs that we have released…
While our store is still operating, the current pandemic may cause severe delays to your orders, especially to non-UK shipments.More
When the Star Trek Adventures project manager, Jim Johnson, invited me to contribute to the Delta Quadrant Sourcebook, needless to say, I was…
Creating and fleshing out starships for the newly-released Delta Quadrant Sourcebook for the Star Trek Adventures RPG was an interesting job. Most of Voyager’s trek through…
Conjure forth new magic in your D&D games with the spells and tattoos introduced in today’s Unearthed Arcana. Many of…
We're continuing to record remotely as we shelter in place here in the Seattle area. Greg & Shelly hash out…
Welcome to the second and a half developer blog for Elder Scroll: A Call to Arms! Second and a half?…
COVID-19 is changing the daily lives of many of us in the Wizards of the Coast community and the world…
Being able to work with the team at Arkane to bring the world of Dishonored to life as a tabletop…
Since the release of the Star Trek Adventures RPG in July 2016, Modiphius Entertainment has steadily released supplemental books covering each of…
When the call went out for ideas for Strange New Worlds, Mission Compendium Vol. 2, I was excited. Right here was…
The Gamma Quadrant evokes a lot of imagery for fans of Star Trek, in particular the events of the devastating Dominion…
Posted on Mar 13, 2020 | Online tabletop gaming sessions have become increasingly more popular, thanks to online chat and…
Posted on Mar 13, 2020 | As our community members reconsider meeting in person for their weekly games and larger…
Listen to the D&D liveplay podcast community telling stories inspired by Explorer’s Guide to Wildemount. The liveplay podcast community brings…
In the most recent canonical lore, the World of Darkness events that occurred in London paved the way for the…
The wargames team enjoyed creating robots using the new Automatron deck. In part one, Charlie and Ethan talk about their…
[embedded content]How can you recognize a polyhedral gaming die made in the 1970s? The video above gives my tips for…
Wargames developer at Modiphius Ethan Heywood previews a new Narrative Campaign Expansion ‘Caught in the Crossfire' for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare.More
Black Void RPG designer Christoffer Sevaldsen discusses the new free quick start for the game which is the perfect way…
Achtung! Cthulhu is Modiphius' oldest original RPGs It's Lovecraftian World War II with tentacles and has provided thousands of hour's…
In this second Elder Scrolls: Call to Arms developer blog Gavin Dady discusses what additional miniatures and factions you can…
James Barry discusses writing about the Dominion War in the new Star Trek Adventures Gamma Quadrant RPG supplement for the…
Featured image by Cristian Palmer A TTRPG set deep in the ocean featuring psionic characters who “fight mental, physical, and…
The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare wargames team discuss the new Automatron Card Deck which provides new options for playing robots in…
Modiphius Jason and Modiphius Charlie put Suiciders through their paces against some of the denizens of the Wasteland… Hey Wastelanders!…
The popular cyberpunk, dystopian future Netflix TV series is getting the tabletop treatment thanks to Hunters Entertainment and fans of…
When it comes to streaming RPG shows, we all have our favorite game masters. Matt Mercer usually comes to mind…
John D.Kennedy, writer on the Star Trek Adventures: Gamma Quadrant RPG Sourcebook, discusses writing the book.More
Featured photo by Ray Kachatorian The internet’s most popular and successful streaming D&D show is now giving Critters a look…
One of the most popular Vampire: The Masquerade streaming shows in the past couple years have unveiled a list of…