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It’s into the dungeons with you in EN5ider‘s monthly adventure!

EN World’s D&D magazine, EN5ider was launched in 2015. Now, 9 years later, it is approaching its 600th issue. Each week EN5ider brings you new D&D content—and the best bit is that when you subscribe, you get immediate free access to the whole archive! That’s right, for about the cost of a cup of coffee you could have nearly 600 issues containing monsters, adventures, spells, subclasses, and so much more. Click here and subscribe now!

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Lately on EN5ider:

  • 595. Adventure: Blood on Phanolias Rock. Phanolias Rock was created by a circle of druids to bind a powerful sea hag. After centuries her coven have located her, using foul magics and bloody rituals to free her. Their first ritual drew evil creatures to act as servants, the second animals and the innocent for sacrifice, and the last will shatter Phanolia’s prison. As the very rock liquefies and the final ritual looms, the chances of intervening before a great evil is unleashed become slimmer and slimmer. This adventure for 4–5 PCs of 7th level was dreadfully designed and mapped by Marc Kenobi, illustrated by Gui Sommer and Jeffrey Koch.
  • 594. Dangerous Scenarios: Infiltrating the Observatory. The Florists are at it again! This time however the thieves are outsourcing the work at hand—acquiring and destroying the last legal records of a location they’ve decided would be perfect for their next headquarters. Unfortunately these documents are not in the hands of a simple clerk or bureaucrat, they are under the protection of Grand Wizard Fillick and taking them off the mage is no simple matter whether he’s home or not. Daringly designed for 4 PCs of 7th–9th level by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Leonardo Sa, and featuring the cartography of Dyson Logos.
  • 593. Intriguing Organizations: Wardens of the Infantile God. The Voice of the Infant worships a being known only as the Infantile God. Long have they been considered negligible, left to congregate in strange locations with little interference. As their activity rises however news spreads that they have created a body to present to their god, and they now plot to kill droves of people so the bodies of their victims can be adapted into the infinite form of their terrible deity. Includes the Infant (CR 5), the Sculptor (CR 4), and the Voice of the Infant (CR 3). Disturbingly designed by Joseph McCleave, illustrated by Leonardo Sa.
  • 592. Monstrous Menagerie: Ancient Automata. Not every worthy foe is flesh and blood—some of the most dangerous are metal through and through. Break out the cogs with the flying armillary drone (CR 2), durable brass bull (CR 8), unstoppable volcanic colossus (CR 20), and literal watchdog (CR 3) to surprise adventurers with constructs they’ve only dreamed of! Delicately designed by Levi Thompson, illustrated by Yeysson Bellaiza.
  • 591. Tertiary System: Demonic Plagues. Thinking about a sickness to kick your game into a higher gear or pondering an illness worthy of a whole campaign? LOOK NO FURTHER! This treatise on infernal diseases offers nearly 300,000 different unique combinations of demonic plagues to put adventurers on edge and get them moving to divine a cure. Disgustingly designed by Tyler Omichinski, illustrated by Rachel Maduro.

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