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Terraforming Mars, the popular board game about transforming Mars into a corporate-controlled planet suitable for habitation, is becoming a TTRPG. Shadowlands Games has launched a BackerKit crowdfunding campaign for Terraforming Mars: The Board Game. The game tackles the colonization and transforming of Mars over the course of multiple individual projects, generations (marking the time that players as a particular set of player characters) and overall ages in Mars’ history. The game uses the Estirpe system, which is a dice pool system where rolling multiple successes (a 5+ is one success, a 6 counts as two successes) results in the creation of advantage points, a resource that can be spent to use additional effects. The game was designed by Kenneth Hite and Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan.

Terraforming Mars was originally designed by Jacob Fryxelius and is currently the 7th highest ranked board game on Board Game Geek. That game involves different corporations competing for control of Mars by completing various projects to terraform the planet.

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