Sensitivity reading: What does it do, and does it make RPGs better? A Paranormal Affairs Canada case study
A credit that I’ve started to see in new RPGs is “sensitivity reader”. I think it’s fair enough to wonder…
A credit that I’ve started to see in new RPGs is “sensitivity reader”. I think it’s fair enough to wonder…
RUSH is a 16-page, Name Your Own Price, RPG from Horoscope Zine. The Name Your Own Price suggestion is generous…
Read the title! On May 13, we’ll be releasing a Fantasy AGE supplement for Homeric Age adventures. Inspired by the…
Who doesn’t need a goblin warband for their table? WizKids’ new collectible miniatures pack gathers together six different goblins, ready…
Cut down eldritch creatures whilst exchanging pleasantries in Teeth: Blood Cotillion, a horror roleplaying game one shot set at an…
R.Talsorian Games will release The Witcher RPG: A Book of Tales, a new supplemental book, into retail in Q3. In…
Hasbro CEO Brian Goldner told board members during the company’s Q1 2021 earnings call April 27th that the toy and…
The award winning (ENnie Awards and Origins Award Nominee) tabletop RPG, Symbaroum, is coming to 5e. With a free preview…
The first time Daniel Kwan saw Killian Lu, one of the new characters introduced in Magic: The Gathering’s Strixhaven set,…
One of the things that made me most nervous about starting to play Dungeons & Dragons was the concept of…
Film star, comedian and jazz musician Jeff Goldblum has been cast in his newest role - a party member in…
Q-Workshop has sets of official The Witcher gaming dice on Kickstarter. The sets are called “hybrid dice” because they’re made…
Database Connection IssueSorry, this page can't be reached because of a database connection issue. If this is your website, you…
Do you want to cut down Nighthaunts in cyberspace? Age of Sigmar’s Tempestfall promises all the heroism of the Mortal…
It’s a soft launch, meaning there could be all sort of bugs and quirks, but the Bundle of Holding’s Starter…
Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter and crowdfunding highlights! We Die Young – RPG A spiritual sequel to…
Cyberpunk Red: Combat Zone, the miniatures game spin-off from the latest edition in the long-running tabletop RPG series, has hit…
Take our latest Unearthed Arcana survey. Last time, Unearthed Arcana presented race, feat, and spell options related to dragons in…
The long-anticipated Warlock: Guide to the Planes is here. Written by Brian Suskind, with additional design by Wolfgang Baur, the…
Thumbnail art by Robin OlaussonMagic shops in D&D and other fantasy games have always been something that came and went…
Draftosaurus was another one of our Christmas acquisitions last year. As the name implies, it is indeed a game about…
RPG streamer and writer Anthony Carlson is today’s guest on the podcast. We discuss Anthony’s beginnings as a role-player and…
This week big news on the media front as we learn of a World of Darkness TV universe in the…
Renegade Game Studios is offering a Kickstarter retailer pledge level for their My Father's Work, a new mad scientist board…
Before Greyhawk and Dark Sun, before the Forgotten Realms, there was the Empire of the Petal Throne and the world…
Tomkin Press’ sci-fi sister RPG to Shawn Tomkin’s rightfully very popular Ironsworn is a hit. The Kickstarter community is eager…
The World of Darkness universe, the home of several roleplaying games including Vampire: The Masquerade, is receiving its very own…
For those wondering if Hasbro’s newly created Wizards of the Coast and Digital Gaming segment was going to continue to…
VoxStory might look a little like Minecraft but it’s an evolution of an older game; the traditional tabletop. Using the…
It’s that time of year where the weather is getting nice, the flowers are budding, and druids everywhere are rolling…
Cubicle 7 will renew its agreement with Holmgard Press to publish Lone Wolf Adventure Game. They have also announced Book…
As expected, TxK Gaming Studios have taken their virtual reality project Dungeon Full Dive to Kickstarter. The software plays like…
The feeling I get when I look down on a map I’ve created for my next homebrew campaign is like…
Art by Magdalena ŚwiderskaA few weeks ago I saw a meme that prompted this weird little thought in my head…
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft promises to offer a diverse array of horror covering many genres and previews some of…
Explore the secrets behind a secluded scientific family in My Father’s Work, an upcoming board game with branching narratives and…
Handiwork Games have released a set of phat Beowulf d20, which due to pressure from fans, went on sale early,…
Into the fighting pits Techmarine! Do you know fear now? Everybody loves a good picture of a fully painted-up tabletop…
Dusk City Outlaws is a tabletop RPG fantasy heist from Scratchpad Publishing. The game is designed by Rodney Thompson, who…
Punch a robot, street race with corrupt cops, wear cybernetically enhanced sunglasses any time of day. Typical stuff in Cyber…
Grimdark is a term used to describe gritty fantasy in which bad things are likely to happen. Sequestered Industries’ RPG…
Available now!Happy May-ing season to all you fans and friends of Green Ronin Publishing out there. It’s certainly fitting timing…
Just last week, Bandit Camp’s Forged in the Dark RPG Wicked Ones became a free download. That’s hundreds of pages…
Alternate Traits and Actions The following changes allow GMs to alter a keyhole dragonette without modifying its challenge rating. Innate…
For many tabletop RPG creators, writing a campaign that can keep players hooked over an extended period of time is…
TM & © 2021 CBS Studios Inc. © 2021 Paramount Pictures Corp.“Try Before You Buy” is an occasional segment of…
By Andrew Peregrine In Dune: Adventures in the Imperium there are several character types that offer special powers and abilities.…
Don Eskridge, the designer behind social deduction game The Resistance, is making a collection of free ‘hand games’ to be…
🐙Sponsored Post paid for by Geek Native. We may earn a commission on sales.Frank Castle is unrelenting as The Punisher.…
Rolling for Initiative is a weekly column by Scott Thorne, PhD, owner of Castle Perilous Games & Books in Carbondale,…
Written by M.T. BlackInterior art by Jesse MohnDM Experience: NovicePlayer Experience: NoviceReview: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐M.T. Black is a veteran D&D writer with…
Phew. I backed Mantic Games and Red Scar’s Hellboy RPG on Kickstarter and am pleased with the output. I’m a…
Satine Phoenix, Jamison Stone and the team has a D&D 5e setting and campaign that will take characters from level…
In about a week, SR 16 will publish a lightweight RPG that merges investigative noir and dystopian sci-fi. It’ll be…
Tension is an one page RPG from Late Night Zen. The RPG blog introduces the ghost hunting one-page system by…
Rip-Roaring Relic Hunting! We’ve been talking about our lightweight and entertaining Awfully Cheerful Engine! quite a bit recently. After dipping…
Owlcat Games revealed this week that Pathfinder: Wrath Of The Righteous will be getting a second beta on May 5th.…
MORK BORG is a doom metal art inspired RPG that one Best Product of the Year at the 2020 ENnies.…
Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft contains many horrors, including a brand new monster previewed in the latest Dragon+. Meet the…
Forbidden Planet lands signed exclusive copies The Final Girl Support Group ahead of TV series time to read: 1 min…
It might look like a computer game, but One More Multiverse insists it’s all about the tabletop. In the site’s…
Whether you are getting in on the Stargrave Presales Campaign campaign or not, we have something interesting for you. This is…
Magic: The Gathering Strixhaven releases in physical form today and invites players into the ranks of fledgling mages at the…
This week we’re piloting our favorite mech suits and going to space and we take a look at the Robotech…
Hello again, this week we have news from Artel W Miniatures, Manti Games, Modiphius Entertainment, Knight Models, Crooked Dice and…
From the pages of Warlock 25: Dungeons! “Introduce a little anarchy. You know the thing about chaos? It’s fair!” (The…
The Sea of Thieves RPG has received its first major supplement, introducing a number of recent updates from the seafaring…
On this week’s Dicebreaker Podcast, Matt, Lolies and Meehan clamber back inside the pod cockpit to jet through another week’s…
Get the upcoming Dungeons & Dragons sourcebook, Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, at 25% off its usual asking price on…
In a new design blog, WotC talks about the production cycle for Dungeons & Dragons–and reveals that five total products…
Hi everyone, Welcome to the final installment of the Dungeon Creation. This is where you’ll get the map and the…
Folks, I have good news about this series: in this, the seventh article, we’re finishing the first chapter. It’s a…
New Comet Games has a successful Kickstarter on its hands as hundreds of gamers embrace the siren summons of Corsairs…
A small survey from Geek Native shows a surprising data point about D&D. Readers think that urban settings are the…
We sat down with Fallout: Wasteland Warfare’s designer, James Sheahan, to talk about the new profiles in the Mojave Wave. …
By Gavin Dady Right up front we need to talk about shipping (again). We make best efforts to get product…
Wizards of the Coast announced the Magic: The Gathering Dr. Lair's Secretorium Superdrop, which includes ten new Secret Lair Drop…
Gamezenter, Inc., a new company formed by former Fantasy Flight Games CEO Christian Petersen, has acquired the retail operations of…
Want to get a look at three different sets of Secret Lair Cards? Mystical Archive arrivals, concert poster sorceries, and…
It’s not a typo; we have virtual virtual tabletops now. Virtual tabletops are online platforms that let us see dice…
Time-travel back to 2013, and we’ve news of Joe Dever taking Lone Wolf to Cubicle 7, splitting from Mongoose, to…
Dark Fantasy RPG Symbaroum plans to release a trio of books translating its popular setting into the 5th Edition rule…
I don’t suppose you’ve ever had reason to imagine what your Wizard character would look like as a doughnut or…
Simon Washbourne’s superhero RPG Triumphant! will get a second edition in summer. Washbourne is probably best known for Barbarians of…
Whether you’re in it for the long haul or just playing for a couple of weeks, here are a few…
Explore deepest space in a vain attempt to escape crippling debt with Into The Black, a new tabletop RPG inspired…
‘Soul Captivation’ – J Edward Neill – 2021 Unearth more surreal secrets at:
A major update for Beamdog’s enhanced editions of classic cRPGs Baldur’s Gates 1&2 and Icewind Dale brings bold new action…
This is the first of two interviews I conducted with Satine Phoenix (The Sirens, Game Master Tips, and more) and…
Geek Native tends to run plenty of competitions, but that does not mean the blog cannot do good at the…
The 1990s were a decade of cultural highs. In music, they brought us Nirvana, the Wu-Tang Clan and the Spice…
Just yesterday Magic: the Gathering released a swath of large templating changes that clarifies and codifies some key terms. Every…
Back in March, Geek Native gave Vulcania the thumbs up for excellent illustrations, nice mechanics and all-around good vibe. Now…
If you sign up for a Foundry Server account, you will now get some free AAW Games mini-dungeons in your…
Hello readers! I have spent the better part of three months stagnating in a pool of demotivation and anxiety about…
Hexgaard offer up map hexagons to give your tabletop gaming a bit of a boost. These bundles, like this collection…
Freddie Taylor-Bell has today released the ashcan version of Briar & Bramble. Ashcan editions are generally the first look at…
“Though they may not look it upon first glance, the ratatosk count clever and skillful spellcasters among their number. How…
Fight a time-spanning war against cosmic horrors and cult leaders in a newly announced series of titles set in the…