Dungeons & Dragons Reveals New Mimic Treasure Chest Notebook Set
Posted in: Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: d&d, Penguin Random HousePenguin Random House has a new Dungeons &…
Posted in: Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Tabletop | Tagged: d&d, Penguin Random HousePenguin Random House has a new Dungeons &…
Get ready to roll for Animal Handling because MCDM's Flee, Mortals! contains stat blocks and rules for companion creatures! Find…
Advertisement The Pre-Order for Skaventide is well underway, but next week is all about the new books. While the Skaventide…
Advertisement Dealing with a rampaging owlbear or marauding dragon? Turn them into something much less spiky and watch your problems…
Posted in: Games, Modiphius Entertainment, Role Playing Games, Tabletop | Tagged: Five Parsecs From Home: TacticsModiphius Entertainment has a brand-new…
Advertisement It’s a fun ship to fly, but it might make you kill some younglings. We break down the Eta-2 Actis-class…
Advertisement Let’s visit the local tavern, the best place to relax, spend your gold, and then pick up a new…
Advertisement D&D’s Archfey are mysterious and magical. And none moreso than Titania, Summer Queen of the Feywild. Mind your manners.…
Advertisement Games Workshop has a new launch box out for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. It’s time for the Skaventide to…
Advertisement At the heart of the city at the center of the universe, sits the enigmatic Lady of Pain, who…
Advertisement Ben is back to show off his Midnight Sons and share some thoughts about them on the tabletop in…
Advertisement In Dungeons & Dragons, all that glitters is gold, sure, but gold is a lot heavier than you’d expect.…
Advertisement Ogyrns and Ratlings are two abhuman strains that still serve loyally as Imperium soldiers in the regiments of the…
Advertisement WotC unveiled the new 5.5E Ranger today in their longest video yet, because it’s so different. And yet, still…
Advertisement Only when you have fallen screaming upon those who know they are already dead can you understand the Howling…
Advertisement EN Publishing’s new Voidrunner’s Codex a game all about 5E and A5E in space, is in its final week!…
She/Her/They/Them | Writer, Cosplayer, Podcaster, Tapletop RPGer, Opossum Enthusiast, Mediocre Ukulele Player, & Coffee Addict. To find Meaghan elsewhere on…
Advertisement Spearhead games of Age of Sigmar really keep both players in the game. But how did Games Workshop pull…
Happy Pride, ‘Finders!Each year, the United States celebrates LGBTQ+ Pride Month in June in honor of the protests that took…
Advertisement Thor and the Asgardians are getting a new character pack. It’s time we got a few characters to rival…
Bring four filigree-infused backdrops to your character sheet in honor of D&D's gold anniversary!
Advertisement From chainsaws to charming critters there’s a lot to be excited about from these exclusive reveals from MagicCon Amsterdam!…
Advertisement Games Workshop brought in some familiar faces to check out the new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. Here’s…
By Kurt Samson “Can you come and choose with me?” Oengus avoids the father’s gaze by kicking a clod of…
Intelligent alien creatures such as aboleths, as well as the occasional mad wizard or capricious deity enjoy tinkering with creatures…
The Hanging Tree is one of 22 lairs included in MCDM's Where Evil Lives. Let's take a look at what…
Wizards of the Coast announced Magic: The Gathering - Foundations, a new core set of Standard legal cards, which will…
Wizards of the Coast dropped previews of Duskmourn: House of Horror, a new Magic: The Gathering set, which will officially…
She/Her/They/Them | Writer, Cosplayer, Podcaster, Tapletop RPGer, Opossum Enthusiast, Mediocre Ukulele Player, & Coffee Addict. To find Meaghan elsewhere on…
Advertisement It’s time to take a look at a pair of armylists our very own Goatboy has cooked up for…
Bonjour Pathfinders and Starfinders,It's time to officially announce PaizoCon Europe 2024 and PaizoCon Online Europe 2024! Both events will be…
Wizards of the Coast has announced a point of purchase program that includes free display, signage, and giveaway items to…
Advertisement They may seem like innocent amphibians, but these five MTG pond-dwellers are here to make your opponent croak. Welcome…
Advertisement Whether it’s card game night or the Pride Parade, this Fionna closet cosplay is ready for anything. Adventure Time…
Advertisement A new Conan RPG is in the works, and you can take it for a test “crush your enemies,…
Advertisement If it works for you, there’s no wrong way to keep a D&D character sheet. But there are a…
Advertisement Wizards of the Coast goes over their namesake class today showing us what’s new about the D&D 5.5E Wizard.…
Advertisement Warhammer 40,000 is brutal, intense, and can be hard to break into. But TTRPG Imperium Maledictum makes the universe…
Need a bruiser to go toe-to-toe with your party's tank? Maybe a sharpshooter to take shots at your party's ranger?…
Advertisement Games Workshop has a new interview with some of the minds behind the new edition of Warhammer: Age of…
We added condition rules to Fantasy AGE 2nd Edition and Cthulhu Awakens to simplify the various strange and alarming things…
Advertisement D&D is full of mundane and magic items, some of which you can even buy in a little shop.…
The Starfinder Second Edition Playtest is set to launch midsummer at GenCon 2024! Full details about this open playtest, which…
Posted in: Dungeons & Dragons, Games, Gearbox Publishing, Neverwinter, Video Games | Tagged: Arc Games, Cryptic Studios, d&dGearbox Publishing has…
Advertisement Games Workshop is preparing for a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar and a plan on how they…
Advertisement Games Workshop has a new Balance Dataslate for Kill Team. They’ve been looking to rebalance things with tweaks across…
Advertisement With “Empire of Death” the new Doctor Who season concludes with the death of most life in the universe.…
By Georgie RPhotography by Fatima Martin The wasteland can often seem quite monotone with rusted signs and sand all over…
Publisher and Kobold-in-Chief Wolfgang Baur is here to give you some insight on the state of the industry and the…
FanRoll by Metallic Dice Games reveals three new sets of D&D 50th Anniversary dice, which will hit retail on August…
Floodgate Games will release Landmarks, a new word game by Rodrigo Rego and Danilo Valente, into retail on August 20,…
Advertisement Games Workshop changed the game of Warhammer 40,000. It’s time to pivot for freedom. Or maybe pivot to freedom?…
Advertisement Triangle Agency is a new RPG from Haunted Table games about working 9 to 5 to save the world…
The swashbuckler is swinging into Pathfinder Player Core 2 with a fresh coat of paint to show off their style…
Advertisement These fitness cosplayers are so swol they’re just like their Street Fighter: The Miniatures Game counterparts! Street Fighter is…
Advertisement Today we get a look at the new 5.5E Druid. With improved Wild Shape, new subclasses, and more, let’s…
Advertisement You know you want her lumps, so totally check out this refresher course on Lumpy Space Princess and get…
Click here to learn about the unique monsters, lair-based adventures, and more included in two MCDM books: Flee, Mortals! and…
In this adventure from Quests from the Infinite Staircase, two rival families have settled a feud and now plea for…
The 2024 Player's Handbook arrives September 17. Follow these creators for first looks at what's to come.
Advertisement Take a journey into the world of Aang and Korra as we discover the four nations (and a few…
Advertisement There are a ton of questions about the new edition. Let’s get into what’s coming with the updated Players…
Mind's Vision will release The Legacy of Cthulhu, a new RPG, into retail in August 2024. In The Legacy of…
Advertisement Games Workshop is making the Grand Narrative this year bigger than ever with two events influencing each other and…
Advertisement Why would your DM keep putting goblins in encounters if they DIDN’T want you to “adopt” them all. Here’s…
Hail and well met, ‘Finders! This month’s new releases bring remastered accessories to your table, make our monsters pocket-sized, and…
Advertisement Warhammer: Age of Sigmar is launching a new edition and story beats are hitting. Here’s a new one as…
Advertisement Is Atomic Mass Games just teasing us with the card art? Maybe! Here’s five characters from the art we…
By Rookery PublicationsArt by Mark Gibbons Left to their own devices, games designers will tweak and polish their beloved creations…
The Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game is here! PDF and VTT versions are available now! The Player’s Guide contains…
Wizards of the Coast launched a Lover You Local Game Store promotion, to incentivize Magic: The Gathering draft events, which…
FanRoll by Metallic Dice Games introduced a Halloween Advent Dice Calendar, which will hit stores on August 15, 2025. Gamers…
She/Her/They/Them | Writer, Cosplayer, Podcaster, Tapletop RPGer, Opossum Enthusiast, Mediocre Ukulele Player, & Coffee Addict. To find Meaghan elsewhere on…
Advertisement Warhammer 40K: Darktide just got a old new update, Secrets of the Machine God that adds new weapons, hotfixes,…
Advertisement The path to enlightenment may be peace, but it’s occasionally also a cardboard fist to the face for your…
Advertisement The Cyberpunk Edgerunners Mission Kit is the perfect splatbook for people who just can’t get enough of Night City’s…
Advertisement Warlocks are so back in 5.5E, baybee. Not that they ever really went anywhere, but the new Warlock looks…
When Quinn needed to work, he liked to get out. It was amazing what a walk, a chat with a…
Advertisement Atomic Mass Games has the schedule up for the Ministravaganza 2024. Get ready for more Shatterpoint, Legion, and Crisis…
Advertisement With a new set of Core Rulebooks on the way, it’s time to prepare for the great upheaval. Here’s…
Need a faction of scheming wizards? Yes, the answer is yes. The Octilliad is here to hire, betray, oppose, or…
Advertisement Games Workshop has announced a new version of the Warhammer Age of Sigmar: The App coming. Here’s what to…
Joe Field, the creator of Free Comic Book Day and the co-founder of ComicsPRO, is offering a way for fans…
Joe Field, the creator of Free Comic Book Day and the co-founder of ComicsPRO, is offering a way for fans…
Advertisement We’ve got a new Rumor Engine to chew on and this one looks rather odd. What could Games Workshop…
Wizards of the Coast announced Arena Direct, a new event series that offers up physical Magic: The Gathering product as…
Advertisement Looking to stretch your Command Points a little further in your Warhammer 40,000 games? Then these characters just might…
Advertisement A major new update for Total War: Warhammer 3 released tomottoe. Patch 5.1 adds Khorne’s bestest boy to the…
Advertisement When Aang’s time was done, the world needed a new Avatar. However, no one was prepared for the fiery…
Advertisement A new expansion for Imperium Maledictum invites the darkest of heresies aboard a city-ship in a new sourcebook from…
Advertisement She’s the smartest woman… no… person on the planet about about to be the smartest person in your game.…
Advertisement Wizards of the Coast has revealed the new Rogue. Weapon mastery, new sneak attacks, and buffed subclasses await you.…
WizKids revealed Adult Underworld Dragon Boxed Miniature, for Pathfinder Battles, which will hit retail in August 2024. Underworld dragons are…
Advertisement Games Workshop has announced the end of the Warscroll Builder army building tool. Farewell old friend, we salute you!…
Advertisement Warhammer: Age of Sigmar has a new “Skaventide” Launch box coming out. So what all is in the box?…
Advertisement 9th-level spells are some of the most powerful spells in the game. And even then, there are a few…
Advertisement The Malstrain Genestealers are surviving in Hive Secundus on Necromunda. And the Malstrain Alpha is making sure things stay…
Advertisement Sometimes, when you hear thunder in the MTG universe, it isn’t a storm; it’s an approaching stampede led by…
BOOM! Studios has two collected editions of the webcomic Cyanide & Happiness coming up in November and December, timed to…
It’s Midgard Monday! Each week, we visit a corner of the wide world of Midgard. Look for standalone content you…