
Lord Soth is the iconic death knight, and the main antagonist you’ll have to face in Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen.

In Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen, players will find themselves facing many new foes. But looming over them all, an iconic villain from D&D’s past. Lord Soth, leader of one faction of the Dragon Armies, charges into battle in the new adventure.

And joining him, new monsters, including the undead fostering Death Dragon. But we know a little bit more about Lord Soth’s aims in the adventure. At the heart of it: the ruined remnants of the first flying city.

Lord Soth, Death Dragons, and Flying Citadels in Shadow of the Dragon Queen

In the video, we get a look at the Death Knight. Lord Soth commands Takhisis’ forces in the Dragon Armies. But how did he get to be chosen by the Dragon Queen herself? A big part of that is his own accursed role in bringing about the cataclysm.

Lord Soth was once a heroic knight. But when he gave in to jealousy and rage, he cursed the gods and they cursed him right back. Lord Soth was cursed to live out the years of those he slew. Which, let’s talk for a moment about curses.

Why is it that these kinds of curses always come with like immortality and unimaginable power?

I mean, seriously. If Lord Soth is cursed to live an effectively infinite number of years. And is gifted with great power, who is that hurting, really? Oh noooo poor Lord Soth his wife doesn’t love him. Oh, what a torment. He killed his son.

Guess he’ll just have to console himself with living forever and having power enough to reshape the world. What a drag. What a curse. How better to make sure someone learns their lesson than to punish them by giving them everything they always wanted?


Meanwhile, all the noble heroes will die out. Lord Soth, on the other hand, will be around when Krynn goes through an industrial revolution and develops space travel. Heck, he’ll probably go to space. What a dreadful curse.

Speaking of curses, though, the new Death Dragons bring a terrible curse with them. Their deadly breath can turn any who die under its effects into undead who join Lord Soth’s legions.

Why is he doing all of this? Well in a recent preview, we learned that the whole Dragon Army mission in Shadow of the Dragon Queen is to capture the ruins of a crashed city that were once flying. It’s where the Flying Citadels that give Dragonlance a little bit of a sci-fi feel come into play.

All of which highlight the epic scale of the upcoming adventure. Want to check it out for yourself? Pre-order Shadow of the Dragon Queen on D&D Beyond and get digital early access.

Happy Adventuring



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