
This week the Bad Batch are mining explosive minerals and unpacking some of the baggage left by last week’s episode.

This episode of The Bad Batch took us on another job for Cid, this time to a mine. It quickly becomes a bottle episode when the batch gets stranded and then trapped in the mine. But more importantly, it becomes an opportunity for some members to work through some baggage they’ve been carrying around since last week’s two-parter.

In order to break down the episode I’ll have to spoil large parts of it. If you haven’t seen this week’s episode of ‘The Bad Batch’ yet, proceed at your own risk.

Monument-Canyon-Like Location

The setting and musical choices at the beginning of this episode are very reminiscent of classic western films. In fact, the location of the mine seems to be heavily influenced by Monument Valley, Arizona. In our world, this is a beautiful piece of the U.S. But it’s also the filming location of many of those same classic western films. Many of these influenced the aesthetic and tone of Star Wars at its inception, and continue to influence the series with shows like The Mandalorian.

Overall, the episode isn’t terribly Western-y, but it definitely has a few nods to the genre. For example, the batch’s trek through the desert and eventual discovery of a ghost town are all very on-genre. But for the most part, this episode takes place mining for Ipsium in a mine.


The batch is on this planet to mine Ipsium for Cid. This is a brand new mineral in Star Wars as far as we’re concerned. But we learn quickly that it is volatile. Much like coaxium and rhydonium, which have appeared in Solo and The Mandalorian respectively.


This also reminds me of “Lorem Ipsum,” which is the stand-in gobbldygook nonsense writing that may stand in on a faux document instead of meaningful text. I can’t say for sure that this is what they were going for, but it feels a little like a joke on picking a new mineral name and filling the line in temporarily with nonsense. A little like unobtanium.

Focus on Tech

This season has been putting a lot of focus on Tech. In this episode, he and Omega had a much-needed heart-to-heart. In previous episodes, he became a speeder racer, and in another, he was the one to have the learning moment with the displaced locals. We’re getting a lot of quality time with Tech.

And that’s probably in part because Omega needs it. They don’t, quote, “see eye to eye” as she is young and very in touch with her emotions while he seems almost incapable of acknowledging or discussing his own feelings. In the end, the two sort of find a middle ground where they can at least respect and understand how the other works.

But we, as the audience, probably also needed this time with Tech as well. We got to know Echo and his backstory through The Clone Wars, and season one focused on Wrecker and Hunter quite a bit. But Tech always just felt like, “and the smart one.” This season is showing that he can be fun and caring in how own way and even impulsive when it’s needed.


What did you think of this episode of The Bad Batch? Are there any little details or Easter Eggs that you noticed? What do you think will happen in the second half of the season? Let us know in the comments!

May The Force Be With You, Adventures!


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