Not DnD is a weekly show discussing tabletop roleplaying games. Each week EN Publishing’s @tabletopjess interviews the creators behind different tabletop roleplaying games that aren’t D&D!

You can watch the live recording every Monday at 5pm ET / 10pm BST on YouTube or Twitch, or catch up with the podcast platform of your choice by searching ‘Not DnD’.

Here’s what we have planned for July 2024!

Chasing Adventure – 8th July

Chasing Adventure began several years ago as an effort to make Dungeon World play smoother and faster, and has now become it’s own TTRPG. The game is Powered by the Apocalypse.

Chasing Adventure is a tabletop roleplaying game about daring adventurers in a dangerous fantasy world. In Chasing Adventure your character only dies when you allow it, but that doesn’t mean failure is without consequence. Chasing Adventure presents you with many difficult choices during play. These risks, choices, and sacrifices form this game’s core of dramatic tension and action. Adventurers are encouraged to take bold, exciting risks are rewarded for doing so.

Runecairn – 15th July

Strap on your bearded axe and linden wood shield, delve into the forsaken barrow and cleanse the draugr within. They will overhwhelm you at first so prepare to die. But when you wake up at the bonfire, you’ll know what to expect for your next attempt. Parry their attacks, disarm them, and hack them to pieces. Defeat the mad jotunn within and claim the soul remnant they protect.

A Norse fantasy setting set after Ragnarok destroyed most of the Nine Realms of Norse mythology. Runecairn is based on Cairn by Yochai Gal, with streamlined rules, fast character creation, and gameplay based on exploration and player choice. Designed for two players, one Warden and one Adventurer.

Quintessence – 22nd July

Quintessence is a setting-agnostic tabletop roleplaying system that centres player agency & rewards creativity! Players can create unique characters and custom skills in any setting using the intuitive & robust rules framework.

The game uses a dice pool framework, life path character creation system, and encourages a cinematic action style of play. Characters have no rigid class or levels, with customisable perks and quirks to encourage unique character creation that can be customised any setting of your choice.

Against the Odds – 29th July

This is not another fantasy game about “killing monsters”. This is a game about heroes and villains, it’s true, but these heroes don’t kill. Or at least they don’t if they want to remain heroes.

Against the odds is Powered by the Apocalypse and uses only four stats for simplicity. The game does not use hit points, but instead characters absorb harm via fatigue and emotional conditions. Players journey through the game, making tough choices, whilst trying to avoid their corruption triggers. And deciding if now is the time to make a heroic sacrifice to end their story in an epic fashion.

Read more at this site