
Before beginning the Kickstarter campaign for Centipede Blast, the folks at Atari did the unthinkable. They asked fans what they wanted.

Few months back, Atari invited fans to give their feedback for some aspects of their upcoming card game. They wanted to know what fans would want in terms of the game’s title, visual style, and key game mechanic.

Well, those votes have come to fruition because Centipede Blast is currently on Kickstarter!

Anyone else hear Phantom of the Opera in the theme music?

Centipede Blast Overview

Centipede Blast is a quick playing party game for the whole family. It’s a game of quick reflexes and matching numbers. All players are looking to be the first to get rid of all the cards in their hand.

Play goes around the table, with each player playing a card into a shared pile in the middle of the table. With each card played, the players are also counting aloud.

If two matching cards are played back to back, that’s a Blast! and all players reach the slap the pile as quickly as possible. The last player to do so, collects the pile into the hand. However, if the number of the played card also matches the number the players are counting aloud, that also triggers a Blast!.

But, like in the video game, there are spiders, scorpions, and mushrooms as well. They each have different effects. For example, scorpions add 1 to the value of all cards played until the end of the round. This adds an additional twist for when the players are counting aloud and watching for matching numbers.

The kickstarter goal for Centipede Blast is quite modest. We are using the platform primarily for its community engagement tools, which pair well with the collaborative manner in which we designed the game,” said Tyler Drewitz, Director of Atari X. “Fans have the option to get a basic or special edition version of the game, and follow along as we move quickly from production to shipping.”

Centipede Blast is a fun and action-packed party game that is sure to be fun for the whole family. Check out the Kickstarter campaign page for more details.



Matt has loved games of all kinds his whole life: board, video, war, roleplaying, and card. He’s worked as a writer for BoLS since 2017.


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