
GW has released the latest Faction packs for Age of Sigmar 4.0. We’ve got the lowdown on the biggest changes for the noxious knights, the Maggotkin of Nurgle.

Welcome in, Generals of the Realms! Skaventide is out, the battle lines have been drawn, and we are firmly in the 4.0 season. If you’re anything like me, you’ve been chomping at the bit to see how your favorite faction fared in the update. Some are amazing, some are terrible, and most are a little bit of both. Whatever faction you play, there’s definitely been a massive shakeup in how you’re going to play.

Neverborn of Nurgle Rot Fly

We covered Khorne last week, and you might think from my assessment that they’re the ones you most want to avoid. Allow me to clarify: Khorne at least kills you quickly. The stinking, coughing, slimy warbands of the Maggotkin of Nurgle are not so kind. They plod across the battlefield or drone towards their enemies on the backs of bloated flies, weathering all but the deadliest attempts to dissuade them. They are as inexorable as the diseases they carry, and they wish for nothing more than to share their pestilent gifts.

In 4.0, the Maggotkin have lost none of their punch and gained a lot of mass. They are notoriously hard to put down (probably the second toughest if not THE toughest army in the game) and they hit like a ton of concrete. Plus, with the new “Diseased” keyword, they’re throwing out Mortal Wounds like candy. While they do still have some drawbacks, I won’t be surprised to see the Maggotkin soar to the tops of the competitive meta as time goes on.

Maggotkin The Good: Masters of Combat

While the Blades of Khorne have a stranglehold on most damage dealt in a single round, the Maggotkin might beat them out in overall combat effectiveness. By combining a withering suite of attacks with high armor, a hefty ward save, and the ability to regenerate, they will have no trouble dealing with almost any problem you throw at them. Couple that with the Diseased abilities and you have an army that will mulch the entire table and come back for seconds.

The Putrid Blightkings are a special contender, thanks to their absolutely terrifying battle profile. They have four attacks and three wounds a piece, making them almost as deadly as a Skaven Rat Ogor. On top of that, they have a 3+ armor save AND a 5+ Ward, meaning they’ll almost definitely get where they’re going and stay there. As a rotting cherry on this disease cake, they can increase their control to a whopping four once they take hold of an objective. Blightkings simply cannot and will not be moved.

Maggotkin The Less Good: The Speed of Smell

Even the fastest Nurgle units are slower than some of the slowest units in other books. The Rotflies have a respectable 8″ of movement, but they also sacrifice some of the durability of the footslogging infantry. You’ll need to maneuver carefully so that your opponent doesn’t just run circles around you. Try to trap enemies with nowhere to run, and use the infantry’s impressive bulk to hold the line.

How did your favorite faction do?


From North Carolina to Texas and back to North Carolina again, Clint lives the life of a traveling artist. An avid gamer, writer, actor, pyrotechnician, and general nerd, he has finally turned his love of EDH into a career. When not busy being a clueless cowboy, Winterfell Bannermen, or whatever else acting life throws at him, he enjoys reading folklore from around the world, writing narratives for his Wargaming armies, or running D&D 5e games as a professional DM. Look for his storytelling podcast, By the Dancing Fire, or find him on Twitch at FeybornPhyrexian, where he produces MTG content.


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