
It’s a big week for Stormcast Eternals, with the release of a Stormhost of new miniatures, including Iridan the Witness.

It is a season of Stormcasts this coming weekend. As everyone’s favorite reforged and reborn warriors get reinforced with a new Battletome, and a Stormhost of new miniatures. From big guys riding big beasts to smaller, but still big, guys who wield magic, hunt with beasts, and more, there’s something for every flavor of Stormcast as part of next week’s pre-orders.

Stormcast Eternals Rain Down Upon Pre-Orders

First up, the big new Battletome. This 152-page book is full of all the rules you need to play updated Stormcasts. With new Spell, Prayer, and Manifestation Lores, new Formations, new Artefaacts, and of course, 60 warscrolls for all your Stormcasts, this is an indispensable tool for the faithful of Sigmar,

And speaking of faithful – Iridan the Witness is one of the most faithful of Sigmar. A powerful warrior in his own right, Iridan is one of the founding members of the Ruination Chamber, and he bears a grim task. Iridan is called the Witness ecause his charge is ending the lives of those Stormcasts who have succumbed to the curse of Reforging.

Also he rides a Morrgryph named Ariax.

Although one can’t discount the faith of Tornus the Redeemed. Tornus was once a champion of Nurgle, who was slain in battle by the Celestant Prime. His soul was reforged, and the newly Redeemed Tornus is a beacon of Sigmar’s power on the battlefield. As a Knight-Azyros, he wields a Hallowed Greatspear but also comes with a sword.

The new Lord-Celestant multipart model comes with a variety of weapons and heads.

And then there’s the new Lord-Relictor, who now comes with human “friend” and mighty hammer.

The Lord-Terminos wields a might axe, again, for bth fighting on the battlefield but also ending the lives of Stormcast Eternals. Seems to be going around these days. Do the Blood Angels know?

The Stormstrike Palladors charge into battle n the backs of mighty steeds that are fearsome combatants in their own rights.


The new Liberators show that even the basic unit of Stormcast Eternals are still fearsome enough to wade into the fray with all but the toughest foes that the Mortal Realms have to offer. This box of ten comes with hammers and shields or twin hammers – as originally seen in the Skaventide boxed set.

The new Prosecutors are winged warriors, whose fates have been tied with the Ruination Chamber. These deathly angels rain down Stormcall javelins while soaring above the battlefield.

The Reclusians are the more soul-scoured version of the Stormcast Warrior. Reclusians are resistant to foul magic, wield powerful axes or maces, and come in a set of three.

The new Lord-Imperatant and Knight-Arcanum are available on their own out of the Dominion Box. And fresh from the battlefields of Warhammer: Underworlds, there’s the Stormcoven, who are available as their own unit now. Unnamed, sure, but available.

Of course, there are a few other Stormcast related releases this week as well.


Starting with the Stormreach Portal, which is a piece of Stormcast terrain that allows you to teleport units around the battlefield.

And the Ratling Warpblaster, which isn’t Stormcast, but is a frequent target of the Stormcast.

All this, next week!


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