
Tornus The Redeemed has returned as a new creation to help aid his fellow Stormcast Eternals in their war against chaos.

Tornus has had quite the journey for a character in the Mortal Realms. He was a warrior from Ghyran that battled against chaos but fell to Nurgle. Then, after an up close and personal encounter with Ghal Maraz, he was freed of his chaos corruption. Reforged, he became Tornus The Redeemed and now fights with a righteous fury against the forces of chaos.

via Warhammer Community

After his Reforging he swore to pursue the forces of Chaos with relentless ferocity, becoming a Knight-Venator and dispensing vengeance with a retinue of other redeemed warriors. 

These warriors have since undergone countless Reforgings in the eternal fight against Chaos, their souls winnowed in the cycle of resurrection. 

Today, we’re getting a snippet of his rules in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. So let’s see what he’s bringing to the tabletop!

Tornus The Redeemed Rules Preview

First up, we have a look at his rule Herald of Redemption. This ability can be used in your hero phase and it allows for friendly Ruination Chamber units wholly within 12″ to use the rally command. Plus, you get 3 additional rally points to bring back even more models/wounds to the unit. That’s not a bad thing at all!


Tornus also bears The Light of Sigmar within his lantern. During any combat phase you can use this power. On a 3+ you can either subtract 1 from hit rolls to enemy units while in combat with him or you can Heal (D3) to EACH friendly Stormcast Eternals unit within this unit’s combat range. Both of these can be super helpful. If you can get him dug in with a few units that’s a lot of healing he can toss out. But that -1 to hit is just universally nice, too.

The final preview we’re getting is for Light in the Dark which can be used once per turn at the end of any turn:

It’s another pair of effects that you can choose one of to fire off on roll of a 3+. If a unit of friendly Prosecutors are wholly within 12″ of Tornus, they can either leave combat via the Retreat ability — without taking any mortal wounds. Or they can get an additional “Normal Move” which is also quite good. Out of sequence moves are also universally useful.


Tornus The Redeemed can be pre-ordered this weekend. Additionally, the miniature can alternatively be built as a Knight-Azyros. The Stormcast Eternals are looking to make a comeback after their loss to the Skaven. We’ll have to see if Tornus can lead the way!

What do you think of the rules for Tornus the Redeemed?


Writer, Editor, Texas Native, and now Tex-Pat, Adam covers all things Tabletop Gaming. Which includes Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, D&D, Board Games and everything else that involves dice, boards, cards and a table.
A hobbyist, player, and collector of miniatures and games, Adam’s current obsession are his Death and Chaos Armies for Age of Sigmar, his Blood Angels and Tyranids for 40k, an expanding collection of Marvel: Crisis Protocol minis, and his ever growing Arkham Horror: The Card Game Collection.


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