
Originally hailing from the world of Greyhawk, the lich known as Azalin Rex was a monstrous, undead wizard. A Darklord of terror.

When it comes to the haunted, tormented rulers of Ravenloft’s various Domains of Dread, none are as iron-fisted as Azalin, the lich-king of Darkon. Over the years, he befriended Strahd von Zarovich, established a sprawling, populous domain. However, Azalin desired, above all else, an escape from his prison.

A fact that would nearly cause the destruction of Ravenloft. But in order to understand what led him to this reckless act, we must venture to the beginning.

Mortal Life in the Earldom of Knurl

Azalin was not always a twisted lich-king. Nor, indeed, was he always named Azalin. He was born as Firan Zal’honan, the second son of Lord Turalitan Zal’honan. As the second of three sons, his life was spent with a dim political future ruling most of his childhood.

Fortunately for young Firan, he demonstrated a keen intelligence and aptitude for magic. Unfortunately, his father, like most of Knurl, was superstitious and banned magic in his household. This led the young Zal’honan to rebel, joining Knurl’s underworld of mages.

There he studied magic and discovered a desire to control others and himself above all else—while simultaneously thirsting for power regardless of the consequences. Case in point, he summoned a demon that broke loose from his power and killed his beloved younger brother, Irik. Afterward, Firan went into exile with his teacher.

In time, he learned a variety of darker magics that most could never master. He could steal the life force of others, using it to extend his own life. He could read minds and steal magical information.

All of this led him to heights of magical power that were made worse when he assumed the throne his elder brother had taken. For a time, he ruled as Azal’Lan, a word meaning wizard-king. And under his reign, Knurl clawed its way back out of economic depression. But prosperity and growth were only one side of his reign. The other? Violence and dissent from conquered tribes.

Azalin Rises, Sheds Mortality

Firan married at 60 when his life-extending spells started to fail. It took 18 years before this loveless marriage produced a son and heir, whom Firan named Irik. A name that resonated with kindness and generosity, which Firan saw as weakness.

When Irik was caught freeing prisoners whom his father was torturing, Firan was faced with the choice of pardoning or executing his son. To symbolize his devotion to the laws he enacted, Firan wielded the executioner’s blade himself and cut down his own son.


This act would drive him to obsession. He desired to return his son to life and to find a means to live forever. These dark desires attracted the attention of the dark and nameless forces that rule over Ravenloft. Some say it is the Mists themselves that whispered the secrets of lichdom to him. Thus did he shed his mortality and rise as Azalin the lich.

With a lich ruling it, Knurl became a major power in the Flanaess, fending off assassins and armies alike. It took treachery to bring down the lich-king. Lured out of his defenses by a means to resurrect his son, Azalin was ambushed. He fled the mercenary attackers into a dense fog and was never seen in Knurl again.

Ravenloft Beckons

Azalin passed through the fog and emerged in Barovia. There he drew the attention of Barovia’s master, Strahd von Zarovich. Azalin’s magical prowess brought him grudging respect and taught the vampire what he knew. In exchange, Azalin sought Strahd’s aid in escaping the misty border of Barovia, hoping that if he left the land, he would escape the strange malady that seemed to plague him.

For though the lich was all-powerful, while in Barovia, it seemed he could not learn new spells.

Azalin attempted to escape the barriers of Ravenloft many times. The first attempt took them to another pocket plane, but after disaster struck the attempt, Azalin and Strahd fell out. And Azalin fled into the mists of Ravenloft and emerged in a realm all his own.


Azalin, Ruler of Darkon

Darkon was a realm created by the Dark Powers of Ravenloft for Azalin. It is a realm designed to torment the lich-king. This domain was his to rule, but it was also his prison. Azalin could reign absolutely over Darkon. His magical might brought the nobles into the land under his power.

He ruled with a series of ruthlessly draconian laws, and yet, kept his own nature as an undead lich secret from everyone else. Azalin ruled a kingdom that was docile. With nothing left to do and no new spells to learn, he was confronted with his own villainy. His own thirst for power.

Perhaps this led him to try once again to escape Ravenloft. He tried to manipulate a Grand Conjunction of planes by sending heroes back in time to steal artifacts from Ravenloft’s formation. And though he split the Demiplane open, and might have unleashed the Darklords upon the world, Azalin’s hatred for Strahd undid any chance of permanent escape. As the lich turned to confront his enemy, Ravenloft was reformed by the heroes and imprisoned once more in the Mists.

A second escape attempt merely shattered his body and scattered his spirit across Darkon. Azalin eventually reconstituted, possessing the corpse of his son, but now he experiments. Seeking to escape Ravenloft, but also to be able to once again learn new magics. For now, he seems content to unlock the mysteries of his Demiplane, but who knows where these dark experiments will take him next?

Happy adventuring!


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