Greetings Starfinders! We’ve received a starship-load of data thanks to your feedback and continued participation in the Starfinder Second Edition Playtest! This exciting evolution in our game’s future includes some of the feedback we’ve received in the surveys that will remain up for submissions and edits until December 31st.

Art by Cagdas Demiralp: A Pahtra Sniper Operative, dressed in a green hooded cloak

A Pahtra Sniper Operative, our first preview art from Starfinder Player Core.
Art by Cagdas Demiralp

Below are the highlights of this errata, but make sure to check out the Second Edition Playtest FAQ for the details of each change:

Chapter 2: Ancestries

  • Barathu: Manifold Evolution only lets you select lower level feats.
  • Opportunistic Hug: You can use Titan Wrestler to hug big friends.
  • Skittermander and Kasatha: You can Climb using inactive hands.

Chapter 3: Classes

  • Envoy: Effortless influencer is higher level, and Distant Feint gives Feint the emotion trait.
  • Mystic: You know the Hit Points totals of your bonded allies, you regain all your Vitality Network when you Refocus, Transfer Vitality always heals void creatures, you become expert in Perception at level 11, Group Chat now gets you Network Spell (and it’s stronger), Force Connection is now a feat, shadow connection works against darkvision, Adaptive Defense has a transfer cost, and elemental mystic’s elemental weapon spell now scales properly.
  • Operative: You begin Expert in Will, Snipers now ignore unwieldy all the time, Strikers can now use unarmed Strikes and should be able to use their melee weapons with most Operative features and feats, Hair Trigger now only applies to your last Aimed enemy, Relentless Aim now ricochets, Double Draw Twin Draw gives you an Aim, and you can no longer quality for Twin Shooter with an Ancestry feat.
  • Solarian: Let there be the light trait (while photon-attuned). You can also pick up two-handed solar weapons, your class DC scales better, and Black Hole/Super Nova no longer cycle. You also no longer get armor specialization.
  • Soldier: Primary target now Strikes before you hit with an area attack or automatic fire, decreasing the target’s successful save into a failure. Run Hot will overheat your gun. Hammer the Nail now knocks prone.
  • Witchwarper: Witchwarper gets Quantum Pulse as a class feature at 1st level. Restorative Recollection has been revised. Infinite Magic can’t be used with 10th-rank spells.

Chapter 6: Equipment

  • Weapons: Neural lash has the analog trait. Force needle has 1 upgrade slot. Crossbolter is in the crossbow group.
  • Armor Upgrades: Explosive Defense unit grants resistance instead of non-stacking save bonuses.
  • Weapon Upgrades: Nothing can stop you from deploying your advanced tripod as much as you want.
  • Augmentations: Cardiac Accelerator and Speed Suspensions have been fixed.
  • Medical Items: The cost of elite and ultimate hypopens has been fixed.

Chapter 7: Spells

  • Adhere: We have separated the Reflex save from adhere.
  • Akashic Revival: Akashic revival is a ten minute spell.
  • Analyze Target: Analyze target grants a status bonus.
  • Atomic Blast: Atomic blast uses a basic Reflex save, and the radiation uses your Spellcasting DC.
  • Void Whispers: Void whispers uses all three actions to move.
  • Vibe Check: After checking its vibe, we’ve removed the incapacitation trait from vibe check.
  • Elemental Weapon: Elementalweapon now scales properly.

We know there are other areas that need attention, but some of those require more systemic changes that aren’t appropriate midstream and need tinkering “in the workshop.” Here are some elements on our radar we want people to know about but aren’t not quite ready to act on yet:

  • reviewing overall mechanics for grenades and missiles
  • envoy getting some abilities to Size Up in combat
  • solarian Solar Shot becoming more like a weapon that works alongside weapon crystals; change to range increment instead of range
  • punching up effectiveness on Disharmony trait abilities for the solarian
  • looking at the size of the quantum field, as well as baking in Transposition to be part of the base class chassis

Thank you again for all your help with our playtest—we can’t wait to see more survey data! And once you’re ready to explore some higher level play, check out Empires Devoured and Rescue at Shimmerstone Minereleasing at the end of October, and Wheel of Monsters available today!

Thurston Hillman
Associate Publisher

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