One of the stretch goals of the Cthulhu Awakens Kickstarter campaign was Cults of the Mythos, a more detailed treatment of the cults described or alluded to in the core rulebook. Now it’s here, swaying the loyalties of your closest friends behind the scenes with its bizarre rites, sneaky social ties, and unwholesome beliefs.
Cults of the Mythos details virtually all the cults mentioned in the Cthulhu Awakens core rulebook and adds more. Furthermore, it adds a whole new system to track the capabilities, rise, and fall of cults, treating each cult like a character of its own whose fluctuating fortunes can lead to dark triumph, or fates worse than death. We’ve got 23 cults for the use of Game Masters and players who’ve decided to take the plunge into the secret chambers, hierarchies, symbols, and dangers of them. Of course, some characters might use the rules to found their own cults…
Check out the ThursDAGE episode where we take a look!
These secret societies belong to a myriad of places and periods, from China’s Red Mask to Thalassology, a human potential movement once known under another name…when it ruled Innsmouth. Oh, and before I forget, cults also have access to special stunts, giving them unpredictable new capabilities.
Currently, you can get Cults of the Mythos exclusively here, at the Green Ronin Online Store. Plus, stay tuned for an upcoming Print on Demand and VTT bundle in the fearsomely near future!
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