
Ben is back with a new showcase for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. This time the Bossrock and Orruk Manifestations are here!

There’s a new Orruk book out in Sigmar Land so it’s time for me to finally return to the Mortal Realms!

A great injustice against the noble Orruk has finally been rectified with the recent release of the new Bossrock Tower and Manifestations. Now seems like as good a time as any to finish the Ironjawz army I started in 2023.

Meet The Bossrock

I went with the same main red color I used in the tutorial linked above and the same NMM techniques for the steel teeth. Other than that I tried to work in as much color as possible to keep the stone interesting with some desaturated blues, greens, oranges, and purple. I also added a little purplish blue and green in the wooden legs. I used GWs Agrellan Earth for the cracked dirt on the base.

This stuff can drive me crazy because it often crumbles right off the base. I eventually started painting a layer of white glue on first, then adding the Agrellan Earth on top of that once it dried. It also helps if paint a base color on before you do the glue. Then you can go straight to drybrushing once the Agrellan Earth has dried.


I definitely had to set it up to be usable by the Kruleboyz as well. I want to get an army of them painted up eventually and I even have a nice centerpiece model painted up for them already.

Honestly though I think my favorite look for the Bossrock might be without either of the major subfaction signifiers. This is what it would look like if the Bonesplitterz were still in AoS I suspect.

Did you know there’s another skull on the back of the tower? The tusks of the front skull make horns on the back.


Orruk Manifestations

My instinct with the manifestations was to just go all green but I thought the color should be a little more interesting than that. I copied the color scheme from my Weirdnob’s staff flame with a yellow orange flame blending up into a magenta and purple smoke.

A big green foot was the obvious way to go for the Foot of Gork. I was trying to get the look of a smoldering glow showing through under the foot, with a little of that green energy lingering in the footprint model. It’s not too different from the official paint job, but my foot is a little greener and the glow is a little more intense. I used more Magenta for the flaming ankle.


Out of all of these I think I’m most pleased with how this one turned out. Mostly because I had never painted anything like this before and I just didn’t really know how I was going to make it look like a thick viscous goo. I started with a somewhat dark green mixed with AK Black Green and AK Frog Green. Then I airbrushed blasts of increasingly lighter green (more frog green dripped into the airbrush cup until it was pure Frog Green) at each side of the model from an almost perpendicular angle to it so that the highlights just caught on the edges. It was looking almost done but it wasn’t quite there so I enhanced it all by defining it a little better with some old fashioned wet-blending.

I went with an nmm brass for the kruleboyz “mask.” The palette for the brass is AK Camoulflage Green highlighted with AK Middle Stone with final highlights of the Middle Stone mixed with some AK Ivory. I thought the body in the goo was a Stormcast so I went with a gold and blue until I actually looked at a Stormcast from the back and saw they don’t look anything like this. Turns out they were a Freeguild Steelhelm. If anyone asks, this must have been an important officer, hence the gold armor.


So now it’s on to finish the rest of my Ironjawz only… while I was writing this the preorders for the new Gitmob army box went up, and I think I’m going to have to paint them first. Sorry Orruks you’re getting backburnered again. My next Sigmar Showcase should be the Gitmob army box!

~Hope you enjoyed the article! You can follow me on Instagram if you like pics like these. I go by @t00mini. Thanks for looking!

Ben Williams

Ben Willimans is a Professional Painter and Columnist at Bell of Lost Souls. He has been involved in the hobby and art side of miniatures and the tabletop gaming industry for over 20 years. He has won multiple national painting awards.


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