Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.


Freebies and Pay What You Want

Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!

Modiphius released another free update for the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniature skirmish game and its RPG supplement (if you want the 2d20 System TTRPG for Fallout, see below), Wasteland Wildlife Rules. Pick up unit cards, profiles, faction cards, rules, scenarios, and more.

  • Price: Free

Modiphius also has a free adventure for KULT: Divinity Lost titled Together Unto Death. The players take on the roles of two Enwildened Gods who have fallen for the lure of Elysium and are trapped in the machinery of death.

  • Price: Free

Wyrmworks has a free version of the 5e rules system called Free5e which creates a fuller version of the 5e rules than Wizards of the Coast released under their free “Basic D&D” rules. Grab the system as a bundle or pick up the individual books (Player’s Guide, Game Master’s Handbook, and Free Range Monsters).

  • Price: Free

If you like knowing more about the history of our hobby, Thiagogomes has The History of Brazilian RPG which describes the history of tabletop roleplaying in Brazil. Also available in Portuguese.

  • Price: Free

Zotiquest Games released a simplified RPG designed for all ages with Tales & Tumbles! Designed to be simple enough for 3 year olds but with room for older kids and adults to create their own wild stories.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)

Trouble in Gold Ridge is a one-shot Western adventure for Savage Worlds from Steven Mattice that places the party in a lawless boomtown driven by the chase for gold under control of the brutal Rusty Spurs Gang.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

If that’s not enough Savage Worlds for you, The RPG Bard has Return of Tch’nch’klkva, a fantasy horror adventure pitting the party against the titular demon and its cult.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Rustic Ink released an OSR adventure The Order of the New Dawn, where the mid-level party mjust learn the secrets of a cult of a divine entity they call Zoryak who promises them a New Dawn.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Dice Monkey wants to explore the tension of cramped quarters and isolation on the International Space Station with the Fiasco playest A Lonely Place to Die.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Excalibur Penn wants to put a twist on your expectations with Twisted Tropes: Campiside Ambush, a second level adventure for 5e that twists the normal campside ambush by having the ambushers be allies instead of enemies.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Abigail Ea took the request of a 7 year old budding DM and created My First DM’s Toolkit for Kids designed to help put together a fun adventure quickly and easily complete with reference sheets, an NPC builder, basic mechanics guides, and more.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.99)

The Lightning Round this week features player and GM/DM resources including maps, 3D pritanble minis, character options, magic items, optional rules, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses:


Bundles and Sales

Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.

Darrington Press has a bundle for Candela Obscura on Nexus with the Complete Candela Obscura Bundle. Pick up the core rulebook plus the adventure Horror of the Faireland and Dressd to Kill split between PDF, Nexus, and Roll20 formats.

  • Price: $49.99 (41% off)

Evil Hat collected the Stewpot Complete Bundle. This Powered by the Apocalypse set of mini-adventures places you in the role of retired adventurers who have started up a tavern and the hijinks that ensue. Includes a Roll20 version.

  • Price: $29.99 (40% off)

Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Patrick Rehse and Joe Raso released a bundle for Ten Towns Expanded including the standard PDF and Roll20 versions of this expansion for the Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure adding more life and more adventures for Ten Towns.

  • Price: $9.90 (38% off)


Charity Bundles and Sales

Once again, I’m starting off with my GoFundMe for medical bills. From late October to mid November, I was hospitalized with kidney failure and infected wounds in my lower legs. And if you’re wondering where last week’s column was, I landed myself in the ER once again, this time with a low hemoglobin level that required a transfusion and tests to determine why I’m missing so much blood. So that’s yet another batch of medical bills added to the pile. I’m grateful for any assistance anyone can provide.

  • Charity: Darryl Mott’s medical bills (all proceeds)

New game creators will be interested in the Tabletop Arts Fund TTRPG Grant. Between five and seven grants will be awarded for 2025 providing funds to finish your indie TTRPG product whether that’s upgrading art, hiring an editor, improving layout, or any other final touches you need to get your project across the finish line.

  • Deadline: March 25, 2025

Itch.io has the RPGs for Accessible Gaming bundle featuring 247 titles including Glitter Hearts, Yazeba’s Bed and Breakfast, Sentinel, Neon Nights, and so many more plus a bonus TTRPG Outlast available as a separate download.

  • Price: $10 (98% off)
  • Charity: DOTS RPG Project (all proceeds)
  • End Date: March 22, 2025

If you’d like some video games mixed into your TTRPG charity bundle, the California Fire Relief Bundle features 422 titles including video games like Tunic, Cook Serve Delicious, Skatebird, and more plus TTRPGs like Glitter Hearts, Rod Reel Fish, Sheperds, and more.

  • Price: $10 (99% off)
  • Charity: CORE (Community Organized Relief Efforts) (all proceeds)
  • End Date: March 12, 2025

Over on Humble Bundle, the Fallout The Roleplaying Game Complete Collection Alchemy is what it says on the tin – a complete collection for Fallout The Roleplaying Game on the Alchemy VTT. The base level gets you not only the Fallout The Roleplaying Game Starter Set but also Fallout: The Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook Enhanced Edition. The second level adds on the Winter of Atom campaign, the sourcebooks Settler’s Guide Book and Wanderer’s Guide, and the Gamemaster’s Tool Kit. The top tier adds on 11 more sourcebooks, adventures, and map packs completing the library of Fallout books.

  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (93% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Direct Relief (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 12, 2025

Cubicle 7 has the Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay: Wrath & Glory Book Bundle. The base level includes a trio of adventures (Rain of Mercy, The Graveyard Shift, and The Null Hypothesis) plus a 25% off coupon for the Cubicle 7 store. The second tier adds on four more adventures, while the top tier is a full 22 book library including the Starter Set, Core Rulebook, Gamemaster’s Screen, and more.

  • Price: $1/$15/$25 (89% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Children’s Health Ireland (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 21, 2025

Chaosium partnered for the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Encore Book Bundle. The base level gets you the QuickStart, Starter Set, The Glorantha Sourcebook, and The RuneQuest Coloring Book plus 15% off at Chaosium.com. The second tier expands your game with the RuneQuest: Roleplaying in Glorantha Core Rulebook, Glorantha Bestiary, Weapons & Equipment, The Red Book of Magic, and the Argan Argar Atlas. The top tier expands the library to a full 20 books with sourcebooks, adventures, gamemaster books, and more.

  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (95% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Code.org (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 14, 2025

Owners of 3D printers have not one but two amazing bundles to fill their shelves. The first is the 85 Ministures Designed for Easy 3D Printing bundle which is pretty self-explanatory. The base tier gets you three plans for your own 3D printed models, the second tier adds on five more, while the top tier is all 83 model sets.

  • Price: $1/$10/$15 (96% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Code.org (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 19, 2025

The War of Ashes STL and Ruleset Bundle gets you more than just 3D printable miniatures but also a full miniature wargame ruleset to use them in. The base tier gets you ten miniatures to get started plust he plans for the tokens and action coins needed to play along with the Shieldwall Rules and Shieldbash Rules. The second tier adds another 11 miniature sets while the top tier is a full library of 68 miniature plans ready to be printed.

  • Price: $1/$10/$25 (90% off at top tier)
  • Charity: World Wildlife Fund (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 9, 2025

Paizo and Owlcat have created the ultimate mixed bundle with the Pathfinder Kingmaker Bundle featuring both the tabletop RPG books and the video game for Pathfinder Kingmaker. There are five levels to this bundle with the first getting you digital editions of the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Beginner Box, GM Screen, Character Sheet Pack, Kingmakers Players Guide (for Pathfinder 1st Edition (PF1e) and Pathfinder 2nd Edition (PF2e), the Pathfinder Society Scenrio #1-02: The Mosquito Witch, and three flip map packs. The second tier adds on 22 more titles including the Pathfinder 2e Player Core, GM Core, Lost Omens Character and World Guides, the PF1e versions of the entire Kingmaker adventure path and the megadungon The Emerald Spire, eight more flip maps, and three more Pathfinder Society PF1e adventures. The third tier gets you the PF2e version of the Kingmaker adventure path including the Companion Guide and Kingmaker Bestiary along with 18 other titles. The fourth tier adds on a Steam key for Pathfinder Kingmaker Enhanced Plus Edition and the final tier adds on a physical hardcover edition of the Pathfinder 1st Edition Kingmaker Bestiary (shipping extra).

  • Price: $5/$15/$30/$35/$45 (99% off at top tier)
  • Charity: World Central Kitchen (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 5, 2025

The Dungeon Master Essentials Miniatures & Scenery Bundle has been extended and is packed full of miniatures for the 3D printer users out there. The base tier gets you the STL for two sets of figure minis and four sets of terrain. The second tier jumps up to 95 total sets plus a PDF of the rules for Pirates of the Dread Sea to use all this terrain with, while the top tier adds another 20 more sets of terrain and figures.

  • Price: $1/$25/Beat the Average ($25.78 at time of writing, 97% off at top tier at that price)
  • Charity: Make a Wish (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 5, 2025

That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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