
Next week, Necromunda takes you out into the Ash Wastes with a new book, new minis, and tons of new terrain.

In the Ash Wastes of Necromunda, all manner of life, uh, finds a way. And find a way ot has, which you can see for yourself in the upcoming Tribes of the Wastelands expansion book. You can also field some of that life that has found a way.

There’s also some fantastic terrain in the works, including a fortified hab structure, and a bunch of ruined sector zone mortalis terrain. It is a big week for Necromunda. Get ready to head out for the Ash Wastes as part of next week’s preorders.

Necromunda – Tribes of the Wastelands

Tribes of the Wastelands deals with the legendary Ash Waste Nomads. These tribes have learned to claw life itself from the wastelands outside of Necromunda’s towering hives. In the new supplement, you’ll find a history of the Nomads and anthropological musings from some of the hive’s most dedicated scholars, as well as new rules for exotic beasts, hangers on, hired guns, a new trading post and more.

Of course, you’ll probably want to actually field some of those Ash Waste Nomads after reading all about them. The Sha’dar Hunters embody the Ash Waste Nomads’ mastery of the dunes. They bear weapons made of spine and bone, and tame Anthromite Spinewyrms to aid them in hunting prey of any size of shape.

Of course you can kit out more of your minis with the strength of the Ash Wastes, thanks to a Nomads upgrade sprue. Venom guns, heavy blasters and more await.

Holding down the terrain side of things is the Thatos Pattern Fortified Hab Module is one such edifice, reinforced with extra armour and two heavy stubbers, with two grenade launcher emplacements. Sturdy enough for the Wastes or any lesser environs.

And of course there’s plenty of ruined terrain to go around. You’ll get 72 pieces in the Ruined Underhive kit. Make your zone extra mortalis.

All this, next week!




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