So one project I’ve been working on has been updating a few of our “classic” Mutants & Masterminds adventures, published longer ago than I care to acknowledge, to the third edition of the game for our Astonishing Adventures line, as a resource for players who might have either enjoyed those adventures back when, or never got a chance to see them since the third edition was published back in 2010 and they went out of print.
“The Return of SHADOW” is from the second edition Agents of Freedom sourcebook by the late, lamented RPG author and designer Scott Bennie. It also delves into an area we touched upon in Astonishing Adventures with Alex Thomas’s “The Lost Library” — namely lower power level adventures. “The Return of SHADOW” is pitched for PL 6 agent level heroes, presumably working for AEGIS, although you could come up with some other options. There are suggestions for running it with regular PL 10 or higher superhero characters, but running an adventure for “normal” agents can be a fun change-of-pace.
As a bonus, for GMs who might just be running the adventure as a one-shot, we’re including M&M 3e versions of the agent archetypes from Agents of Freedom as well. This gives you a ready-made set of pre-generated characters if the players don’t want to create new ones just for one adventure. As a benefit for superhero campaigns, you can run the adventure and then make the player character agents into NPC AEGIS agents for your regular game! The players will certainly know who they’re dealing with when the agents they previously played show up on the scene.
The adventure revolves around a protection detail for a Freedom City councilman who has received death-threats linked to a known super-criminal mercenary, but there’s more to the situation—and the threats—than meets the eye. The agents get to delve into the Freedom City underworld and uncover what may be the return of the greatest threat their agency has ever faced! The adventure makes a great way to “reintroduce” SHADOW into your M&M Earth-Prime campaign and start making use of the resources and information from the Atlas of Earth-Prime.
Astonishing Adventures, The Return of SHADOW is available now!
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