Starfinder 2E is around the corner. And with the Gen Con release in the coming months, Paizo has unveiled a look at the Galaxy Guide.
Starfinder 2E is slated for a big debut at 2025’s Gen Con. But before we get there, there are still plenty of chances to take a look at what lies in store. Including a quick glimpse of the upcoming Galaxy Guide. Along with the Core Rulebook, the Galaxy Guide will introduce players to the world and kinds of campaign play you can expect to find in Starfinder 2E.
It’s a combination setting book and GM/player toolkit. Inside you’ll find information on exploring the galaxy through different lenses—consider how different a necromantic space anomaly is through the lens of a space exploration campaign vs. a cosmic horror campaign. But you’ll find more to play with in the book. A handy supplement to the Starfinder core is coming out at Gen Con.
Starfinder Galaxy Guide – Pre-Order Expected In April
There’s truly something for everyone here. GMs will be able to dig their teeth into the factions introduced in the book. Here’s a taste: “holy corporate empire.” But even then, factions aren’t the exclusive domain of the GMs. For players, there are six new archetypes that you can play with, each related to one of the galactic factions introduced here.
Or try out one of the six new alien ancestries, including the shapeshifting astrazoan, the psionically transformed contemplative, or the dragonkin, kalo, sarcesian, or vlaka. You can even find new gods and new mysteries to investigate. So if you want to hit Starfinder 2E running, consider the Galaxy Guide.
And look for Starfinder 2E at Gen Con 2025!
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