
Star Trek Adventures 2nd Edition’s newly unveiled Technical Manual sourcebook unleashes the most powerful force in the galaxy: technobabble.

Whether you’re adjusting the magnetic containment of the warp core, setting your phasers to a rotating modulation, or trying to isolate the polarity flux in a subspace anomaly, Star Trek is full of eye-watering complex technology. And some of our favorite characters in the series deploy it with expertise. From Scotty’s ability to coax more out of the Enterprise’s engines to Jett Reno’s ability to make anything work with duct tape and positron relays, there’s no end of tech experts in the Trek world.

Courtesy of CBS Television

To say nothing of the gear used by pretty much every character. The humble tricorder, whose medical capabilities are the envy of anyone who exists in the American health care system. Transporters, who can bring back the dead sometimes. And especially the various phasers, disruptors, and other hand-held weapons of the Star Trek universe are all lovingly detailed in a new expansion for Star Trek Adventures 2E.

Fittingly titled Star Trek Adventures: Technical Manual, this sourcebook is your key to all things tech in Trek – at least as far as the RPG is concerned.

Star Trek Adventures 2E: Technical Manual Sourcebook – Up For Preorder Now

If you have been enjoying the Star Trek Adventures 2E forays – and I hope you have been – this new book should be an indispensable guide for any character in any role in any style of campaign because technology and humanity’s relationship to it is a core part of what makes Star Trek, Star Trek. And that’s doubly true in the roleplaying game, where that technology runs headlong into a handful of dice.

The newly unveiled Technical Manual splatbook takes an in-depth look at some of the most iconic pieces of Trek tech – the Universal translator, phasers, tricorders, etc. But it’s not just an equipment catalog. It’s a guide to how all that stuff fits into the world – and, more specifically, how it fits into your game.

It’s not just “this is the universal translator, here are some mechanics for it” it’s a whole entry on the Starfleet Diplomatic Corps and what goes into their second contact supplies, and distress beacons. Or a deep dive into how science officers might conduct research in shipboard labs, or what gear they might take on away missions.

And, of course, all that is paired with plenty of new mechanics. There are 10 new character career event options to play with, as well as 10 new starship talents and ship-to-ship mines. As well as rules for using your gear and kitting out your tech. So keep an eye out for the Star Trek Adventures Technical Manual, expected to be released in June – it’s out for pre-order now.

Live long and prosper!




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