
The Shards of UL-Khari is an Aeldari adventure for Wrath & Glory – the perfect thing for all your Space Elf weirdos.

Look, I get it. The Aeldari just strike a chord that has been resonating since before the 1980s. There’s just something about taking elves and then putting them in space that speaks to the heart of a certain kind of nerd. And it’s as true today as it has been always.

Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to indulge in this vice. Wrath & Glory has a whole supplement dedicated to making Aeldari agents. And now, a new adventure, The Shards of UL-Khari, creates a playground for Aeldari-focused parties.

Ideal for tiers 2 and 3, The Shards of UL-Khari sets itself up as a launching pad for your next campaign. So get those pointy ears and tragic sense of ennui in gear. Because Wrath & Glory just got a whole lot (space) elfier.

Shards Of UL-Khari – Wrath & Glory’s Aeldari Adventure

I guess I should specify here that it’s an Aeldari adventure in the sense that it’s made for Aeldari-heavy groups. It’s not, to my knowledge, like Star Wars’ Ewok Adventure. It’s probably much less traumatic. After all, the Aeldari only have to worry about having their souls devoured by the chaos god their hedonism created.

And this is an adventure that puts you right at the heart of the Corsairs. That makes sense; they’re great fodder for any RPG group. Specifically, you’ll ring for Aurad Vyon, a Corsair Baron better known as the Six Eyes and Master of the Azure Rhyme. In my head, the azure rhyme is badger but said fancily. Or if you say azure plainly. Azure badger. Anyway. Here’s the adventure synopsis:

“In service to the Corsair, Agents are tasked with retrieving a revered artefact: a shard of the Avatar of Khaine from Craftworld UL-Khari, discovered on the icy surface of the planet Trollius.

However, there is more to this mission than just retrieving the artefact, as the Agents must negotiate the cutthroat politics of the Corsair courts and the interference of rival warbands, Drukhari hunters, Asuryan envoys, and even nefarious Imperial Rogue Traders.”

That’s plenty to pick through. The PDF adventure is available now from Cubicle 7. You don’t have to have Aeldari: Inheritance of Embers to play the book, but odds are good you do already if this is the adventure you’re considering.

Time to be better than the rest of the galaxy – at least in terms of arrogance!




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