Next week’s pre-order releases herald fiery wrath and zeal for Kill Team as the forces of Khorne and the Sanctifiers face off.
Kill Team: Blood and Zeal heads up next week’s pre-order releases from GW. With it, comes the disquieting fact that you could say that the box has a Kill Team known for its fiery wrath and another known for its overwhelming zeal and you might be talking about either the forces of Khorne or the Ministorum Kill Team.
But while these two Kill Teams might be an interesting dichotomy, they’re also deadly and both brand new. Accompanying them are two other Kill Teams that should delight the fans of the grimier side of 40K. Whatever flavor of Kill Team you prefer, you can find something next week!
Kill Team: Blood And Zeal (And Friends)

First things first, the brand new boxed set. In Kill Team: Blood and Zeal you’ll findthe Goremongers of Khorne who face off with the Sanctifiers. Both represent some of the more… extreme… members of their respective sides. The Goremongers, for instance, come with seven cybernetically enhanced killers, out for blood, death, and vengeance:

You’ll get an Impaler, Skullclaimer, and Stalker, as well as a Blood Herald of Khorne and three other skull-and-blood hungry killers.
Meanwhile the Sanctifier Kill Team gets you some of the finest bringers of the Imperial Faith (and Prometheum) this side of the Nachmund Gauntlet:

The Sanctifiers consist of a Death Cult Assassin, a Drill Abbott, a miraculist, even a Confessor – nine models all in all. They are ready to work miracles. And fiery death. Mostly the second one.

But it’s not just Sanctifiers and Goremongers as part of next week’s releases. You’ll also be able to snag a Kill Team pack for Ratlings. These sharpshooters can turn up anywhere and everywhere in the Imperium, which makes them dangerous enough on their own. But with specialists like ig Shot, Hardbit, Raider, Slashmaster, or Vox-Thief they can get up to even more specific mischief. Or you can just make ten guys.

Or let your inner WAAAGH!!! out with the Wrecka Krew Kill Team box. These boyz are Tankbustas and Breaka Boyz, who have teamed up in a loosely competitive alliance to see who can wreck the most stuff. With specialists like Boss Nob, Demolisha, Krusha, or Rokkiteer, you’ve got plenty of destructive options.

Pair all of this with the new Compound Siege Killzone Upgrade, and you can give yourself plenty of defensive bastions to fight between, around, and through.
All this next week!
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