Welcome to the Bundles, Freebies, and Sales News, the weekly column at EN World that helps make sure you don’t miss out on big tabletop RPG bundles, charity fundraisers, and sales from around the internet.


Freebies and Pay What You Want

Note: While “Pay What You Want” downloads are available for free, please support the creators if you are able!

Modiphius expands their miniature wargame and roleplaying rules with Fallout Miniatures: In Sheeps Clothing Rules Pack. This gets you rules for the Sheepsquatch, Imposter Sheepsquatch, and Aries from the Pylon Ambush scene set including unit cards, Vault-Tec profiles, faction cards, and a new scenario.

  • Price: Free

Kobold Press wasn’t happy having a huge bundle (see below) but they also wanted to give you a little treat with the Tales of the Valiant: Encounter Tracker. Also compatible with 5e, this tracker breaks any encounter down into the most important details so you can keep track of the complex moving parts like traps waiting to be triggered, timed events, or NPC abilities.

  • Price: Free

Huckleberry: Quickdraw Edition is the quickstart for newest entry in the “Weird West” genre that combines folklore fantasy with the western genre. The fast-playing unique system uses a fixed target number with an Attribute and Skill die to determine results with a Bounty system so players choose what monsters they hunt down. This version comes with streamlined rules, pre-generated characters, and an introductory adventure.

  • Price: Free

Arcane Sorcery has a pair of OSR adventures for different systems this week. First up is the Shadowdark adventure A Very Merry Shadowe’en, which sends the low-level party to explore the Island of Hands which rises on hundreds of gangly hands each equinox at the behest of its hag mistress.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

The other adventure is The Little Wars of Hopsberry Manor for Knave Second Edition where the low-level party seeks a disease curing potion as an illness plagues the village, putting them in the path of the hermit wizard Barnaby and his radical animal experiments.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Scion fans can pick up a new adventure from Paul McKenna, Healer’s Guide to Ascension. This three-act adventure works well for a test for a healer seeking to move from Origin to Hero.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

Vaesen heads to Scotland with Something Fishy in Fife from Alistair Smith. The children of Fife have burst into inexplicable destruction, and the investigators must work it out and return Pittenweem to calm before something even worse happens.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $2.00)

Over on Dungeonmasters Guild, Christopher Hamwell has Infernal Runes: Expanding Chains of Asmodeus which adds depth to the adventure by adding in a series of devilish runes of infernal script for the party to decipher.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $0.00)

On Storytellers Vault, Final Pulse from Yolam Lev is a set of alternate rules that seeks to streamline parts of the system such as character creation, Disciplines, and more to keep the core of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition while allowing faster play and an easier learning curve for players coming from other systems.

  • Price: Pay What You Want (Suggested: $1.00)

The Lightning Round this week features player and GM/DM resources including maps, 3D pritanble minis, character options, magic items, optional rules, and more. All products are Free or pay what you want with the suggested price in parentheses:


Bundles and Sales

Note: I have included end dates when listed for the following sales, but please be warned that those without published end dates may end suddenly so be sure to plan purchases accordingly.

DriveThruRPG and Roll20 are the Spring Into Adventure Sale including Spelljammer, Dragonlance, Keys from the Golden Vault, Waterdeep: Dungeon fo the Mad Mage, Baldur’s Gate: Descent Into Avernus, and many others plus bundles with even more discounts. You can also find these discounts on Roll20, Dungeonmasters Guild, and D&D Beyond.

  • Price: Up to 25% off
  • End Date: March 24, 2025

Demiplane and Roll20 announced this week that Fallout: The Post-Nuclear Roleplaying Game will synchronize across NEXUS and Roll20, meaning a purchase on one unlocks the content on the other. In celebration, you can get deep discounts on Fallout products on DriveThruRPG including the core rulebook or the Wanderer’s Bundle with the core rules, Gamemaster’s Toolkit, Wanderers Guidebook, and the campaign Winter of Atom.

  • Price: $35.50 (63% off) for the core rulebook, $99.99 (37% off) for the bundle
  • End Date: “For a limited time”

For superhero RPG true believers, the same synch program is available for Marvel Multiverse RPG as well so all your purchases on Roll20 are available on NEXUS and vice versa, including the new Into the Spider-Verse bundle on DriveThruRPG.

  • Price: $34.99 (0% off or 50% off depending on your perspective)

Fraggin’ Unicorn Games grabbed several other publishers for the Tails, Paws, and Claws Bundle. Grab Realms of Pugmire, Heckin’ Good Doggos, Cats of Cthulhu Quick Start, Strays, and a lot more for a deep discount and support indie publishers.

  • Price: $25.00 (77% off)

Solution Maps has a bundle for fans of Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, or any other near-future urban RPGs with the Dystopian Futures Map Pack 4, available in 1080p and UHD 4K. Each bundle includes a dozen animated maps including corporate suites and offices, dive bars, empty lots, gun runner apartments, and more.

  • Price: $34.99 for 1080p, $69.99 for 4K (27% off each)

Arcadia’s Creations also has a bundle of urban maps for modern day or near-future games. Clock towers, coastal towns, desert cities, parks, dilapidated streets, town halls, and more.

  • Price: $14.99 (22% off)

More traditional fantasy gamers aren’t left out as Tellest has the Ancestor Festival Megapack. Grab nine map packs covering all eight cardinal directions and the center making up one massive map of a town celebrating a festival.

  • Price: $8.91 (67% off)


Charity Bundles and Sales

Once again, I’m starting off with my GoFundMe for medical bills. From late October to mid November, I was hospitalized with kidney failure and infected wounds in my lower legs. The good news is that I’m now walking full-time (with the assistance of a walker) and I’m out of the wheelchair. The bad news is that my transportation costs have gone up as I now have to Uber/Lyft/taxi my way to all my medical appointments, which is becoming expensive fast. Any assistance you can provide will be helpful in keeping my head above water.

  • Charity: Darryl Mott’s medical bills (all proceeds)

Over on Humble Bundle, Kobold Press has the Heroic Hoard of 5e Power Bundle with new options for your 5e games. The base level gets you four books in the Book of Blades series for more combat options, the second tier adds on eight more titles from the Book of Blades series, and the top tier jumps up to a total of 44 books including the Deep Magic series (and a Foundry VTT license for the same), Midgard Heroes Handbook, Vault of Magic, the Warlock Grimoire series, Underworld Player’s Guide, Kobold Guide to Roleplaying, and a lot more.

  • Price: $5/$15/$25 (94% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Make-a-Wish (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: April 12, 2025

The Delta Green RPG, VTT, and Fiction Collection gets you RPG books, novels, and VTT options for both Roll20 and Foundry. The base level gets you the core rulebook Delta Green: Need to Know, the two volume fiction anthology The Way It Went Down, and Delta Green: Extremophilia for Roll20 and Foundry. The second tier adds on 33 more titles including Agent’s Handbook, The King in Yellow tarot, VTT versions of the core rules, Jack Frost, Darkened Room, Convergence, and more. The top tier brings the total number of titles up to 58 with A Night at the Opera, Handler’s Guide, Black Sites, and a lot more.

  • Price: $5/$15/$25 (96% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Direct Relief (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: April 5, 2025

Wizards of the Coast has The World of Dragonlance Bundle with a library of Dragonlance ebooks in epub format. The base level gets you a trio of novels by the driving creative force behind Dragonlance, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman: Dragons Fallen Sun, Dragons Lost Star, and Dragons Vanished Moon. The second tier adds on four more novels, Amber and Blood, Amber and Iron, The Soulforge, and Brothers in Arms. The top tier features 26 ttal books including the original trilogy that started it all with Dragons of Autumn Twilight, the world-altering trilogy starting with the Time of the Twins, and so many more.

  • Price: $1/$10/$18 (91% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Room to Read (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: April 6, 2025

Kobold Press and Frog God Games pooled their back catalogues together for the Pathfinder Compatible Mega-Bundle 3 featuring an enormous selection of third-party Pathfinder titles.I’m not even going to attempt to describe what’s in this bundle as the base level starts at 32 different adventures, sourcebooks, character options, magic item books, and so much more. The second tier almost doubles that amount to 61 titles, the third tier adds even more with 85 titles, and the top tier explodes the library even more by including The Northlands Saga Complere plus everything in the Pathfinder Compatible Mega-Bundle 1 and 2 with 143 more titles bringing the grand total up to Two Hundred Thirty-Three titles!

  • Price: $5/$15/$25/$45 (98% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: April 3, 2025

Goodman Games released the Megadungeon Megabundle for DCC and 5e bundle featuring a huge collection of digital and even physical products. The base level gets you five adventures plus a 20% off coupon for the Goodman Games online store, the second tier bumps that up to 21 titles including VTT tokens and map packs, the third tier is another massive jump to 81 titles including the DCC conversion of the classic Dark Tower, and the top tier adds on the physical copies of Sailors on the Starless Sea and Against the Thieves Guild (shipping and handling extra).

  • Price: $1/$10/$18/$40 (96% off at top tier)
  • Charity: World Central Kitchen (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: March 27, 2025

Steamforged Games collected the Iron Kingdoms Collection Book Bundle with everything you need to jump into Privateer Press’s fantasy steampunk RPG. The base level gets you the core rulebook Iron Kingdoms: Requiem and Iron Kingdoms: Full Metal Fantasy plus five other adventures and sourcebooks. The second tier adds on 19 more titles including setting books, adventures, monster compendiums, and more while the top tier grows the library up to a whopping 65 total titles including digital boxed sets, VTT token and map sets, and more.

  • Price: $5/$15/$30 (95% off at top tier)
  • Charity: Child’s Play (user-defined, default 5%)
  • End Date: April 5, 2025

That’s all for this week! If you know of any bundles or sales starting soon, please contact me on the EN World Discord, tag me on Bluesky , or send me a message here on EN World. Discount percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and are based on the standard retail price provided by the site. Note: Links to Amazon, Humble Store, Humble Bundle, Miniature Marketplace, Fantasy Grounds, and/or DriveThruRPG may contain affiliate links with the proceeds going to the author of this column.

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