New art reveals some of the monsters and PC races waiting in the upcoming Monsters of the Multiverse book.

Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse is a new book that will revamp many monsters and update more than 30 PC races. Monsters of the Multiverse, just one part of the Core Rules Gift Set releasing next month, will do a lot for monsters.

With new streamlined spellcasting rules, we’ve already gotten a little preview of Monsters of the Multiverse. But over the last week, Wizards of the Coast have been previewing art from Monsters of the Multiverse, revealing some of the races and monsters you’ll see in the new book. Let’s take a look.

Meet the Duergar

First up, more Duergar than you probably know what to do with.

Duergar are dwarves who were lured into the underdark by promises of perfection. There, they were captured and psionically “enhanced” by Mind Flayers. As a result, Duergar are dwarves with psionic powers and magic that fills in for technology. You can see a duergar with a magical flamethrower as well as a psionic weapon arm up there. How about one with a big cybernetic claw?

They probably appear as both PC race and NPC enemies since Duergar first appear in Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide as a PC race. Monsters of the Multiverse will likely overhaul their existing traits, allowing for choosable ability score increases among other things.

Next: Centaurs

Everyone’s favorite surprisingly small horse-people make a return in this Monsters of the Multiverse preview. Centaurs first appeared in Guildmaster’s Guide to Ravnica. There, the Medium sized creatures (leading many to compare them to ponies–which kind of looks to be the case here) raised many questions about how they climb ladders or if they could ride on each other.

Even More Races

Eladrin originally appeared in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, then they showed up in Volo’s Guide to Monsters, and now we can say for certain they appear in Monsters of the Multiverse with some seasonal art. These elves have a mood (and magic) for every season.

And here’s a Nilbog, which is goblin backwards. These magical mischief makers crop up occasionally in goblin society and are generally allowed to do whatever they want.

Finally, we get our first official look at the Starspawn. This is a Starspawn Seer and he’s tentacular.

Happy Adventuring

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