
The House of The Wolf is nigh, will the Great Wolf, Leman Russ return?

For several years now 40K has been in flux. The Primarchs are returning. The other week we looked at a long shot theory that holds that Sanguinius, the Great Angel, was going to return. Today lets take a look at a theory around another Primarch, Leman Russ.

The Great Hunt

Leman Russ was one of the greatest heroes of the Imperium. One of the Emperor’s most loyal sons, and one of the greatest warriors. Throughout the Horus Heresy he remained loyal and battled against the traitors. Ultimately he survived the great war and led his legion to victory, of a sort.

Sometime after the end of the Heresy, when the galaxy was more settled, Russ held a massive feast. With much of his legion, now chapter, gathered he made an announcement. He told them that “In the end I will return. For the final battle. For the Wolf Time.” Having said that he and some of his followers left and vanished into the Eye of Terror. He has not been seen since then, thought many among the Space Wolves have sought him.

Why Did He Vanish

There are many theories about why Russ vanished. Some theorize that he left to go hunt down surviving traitors. Maybe Magnus himself. One of the major in-universe theories is that he is seeking the Tree of Life. It is said that the fruit of this tree could heal the Emperor. Another theory is that he is on a secret mission from the Emperor Himself. During the Heresy both him and Constantine Valdor were given weapons, twined spears, forged by the Emperor.

Russ was given The Spear of Russ. Valdor was given the Apollonian Spear. Both Russ and Valdor vanished mysteriously not long after the end of the Heresy. Moreover, both left their spears behind. It’s recently been showed that Valdor is out there doing… something. Possibly following the orders of the Emperor. So it seems quite possible that Russ is also out there following orders. But with many claiming the Wolf Time has come, it might be time for him to return. If he does, what would that look like?


The Corrupted Wolf

One of the theories surrounding Russ’ return, is that he will come back, but something will have gone wrong. After 10,000 years in the Eye of Terror its quite possible that Russ is no longer the Primarch that left. Indeed, it would almost be odd if he was unchanged. We know that the Primarchs all have some warp stuff in them. In addition we know its not all “that” hard from them to fall and get mutated. So maybe the Russ that returns is a mutated one. He could be loyal, or a full Daemon Primarch. But he won’t be what you think he will be.

The Wolf Triumphant

The most unlikely theory is about Russ’ return is this one. Simply put that he will have found the Tree of Life and come back successful from his hunt. With the Fruit of the Tree of Life he will heal the Emperor. At this point 40K as we know it will end. I think this is super unlikely, but hey it could be how they blow everything up!

Russ and His Brothers

The mostly plausible people have for his return is that he is just going to…come back. Maybe he will have completed whatever mission he, and Valdor, were sent on. Maybe the danger to the Imperium will be enough. It could that he’s been trapped by Magnus (who claims to know where he is) and escapes. It would not be all that odd for a daring rescue mission by say Grey Knights, to end with the twist rescue of Russ.

Many people theorizes that he will just kind of come back like this. Ultimately he will be a normal and loyal Primarch now. A counter to his demonic brothers. While there might be some things a little off, it will get ironed out to present us with another good guy. Of course his brother Guilliman might not like him coming back, (nor would a reawakened Lion)  and this could lead to internal conflict. But that is a theory for another day.


Let us know if you think Russ will come back, down in the comments! 


Abe is that rare thing, an Austin local born and raised here. Though he keeps on moving around, DC, Japan, ETC., he always seems to find his way back eventually. Abe has decades of experience with a wide range of tabletop and RPG games, from historicals, to Star Wars to D&D and 40K. He has been contributing to BOLS since almost the start, back when he worked at and then owned a local gaming store. He used to be big into the competitive Warhammer tournament scene but age has mellowed him and he now appreciates a good casual match. He currently covers 40K tactics and lore, as well as all things Star Wars, with occasional dabbling in other topics. Abe remains in mourning over the loss of WFB to this day.


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