
Dive into this weekend’s hottest news –  D&D accessories, the movies to look forward to in 2023, plus Arks of Omen updates!

The Highest Viewed Comic Book Inspired Cosplays Of The Year

These cosplays have superpowers that elevated them to the highest-viewed comic cosplays of the year! Lets see who reigns supreme!

MtG: Cogs In The Machine – New Keywords

If a machine wishes to function, it must occasionally update itself. Phyrexian perfection is no different.

40K: ‘Boarding Actions’ Have Some Rules Curveballs Coming

Games Workshop is introducing Boarding Actions soon and with it come some interesting changes to the core rules. Get ready for some curveballs.


D&D Accessories: Now That The Holidays Are Over, Get Something You Actually Want

The holiday season took it out of all of us. So now it’s time to treat ourselves to a few D&D goodies we’ve piked out for ourselves.

2023 Movie Preview – What To Watch From ‘Quantumania’ To ‘John Wick’

Next year will bring movies from DC, Marvel, and other favorite franchises and directors. Mark your calendar, so you don’t miss any of these!


Pop culture staff writer that has been on the BoLS team since 2010. Contributor on the One of Us podcast. Marvel, Vertigo, Batman, and dystopian sci-fi fan. Enjoys bad movies, amazing stunt performances, and the internet. Hates rom-coms. (she/they)


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