
Only when you have fallen screaming upon those who know they are already dead can you understand the Howling Banshee cosplay.

From the moment I was introduced to Warhammer 40K by the amazing folks at BOLS, it was the Aeldari who captured my attention. A mostly female band of elite warriors capable of bringing any army to quivering in their boots? I was hooked. It’s a similar story for renowned 40k cosplayer Red Chaos Cosplay. She has been preparing for this cosplay a long time… The results are more stunning than we could have ever hoped for.

Slipping Into the Howling Banshee Suit

“I wanted to make a Howling Banshee cosplay since I first saw the Dawn of War trailer. I loved this bony design and the insane mask. It took me many years to get to that. I made Saint Celestine cosplay first, and it turned out to be quite time-consuming (which shouldn’t be surprising). It was amazing to finally find some time and creative energy to start working on the Banshee. 
I started my cosplay journey in 2016. First, it was for a friend’s fantasy wedding. Later, it turned into a full-time hobby—and now, after many years, a full-time job. I love cosplay for the creative output it gives me and for making me learn new things every day. And, for the ability to become literally anyone, even for a few hours.”

“Warhammer 40k is one of my favorite universes. Mostly because everything there is exaggerated, both in terms of lore and design. That’s why they’re really awesome to work with (and really uncomfortable to wear… but worth it!).
Other than cosplay, my hobbies include DnD and video games, but that’s not surprising, isn’t it? So… Let me get back to looking for other designs I can bring to life with foam, dremel and paints.”

Howling Banshee Cosplay by Red Chaos Cosplay

I bring only death and leave only corpses.

Only when you have fallen screaming upon those who know they are already dead can you understand the Banshee.

They shall stab at the shadows with confused minds and troubled hearts. Meanwhile, we shall appear unseen from ten directions, and from every one strike a fatal blow.

What do Humans know of our pain? We have sung songs of lament since before your ancestors crawled on their bellies from the sea.


~Join us next week for more cosplay coverage~

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Jennifer aka “Mayhem’s Muse” is the Cosplay Editor for BoLS and manages Ad Sales and Communications. Her cosplay awards include the RTX Judge’s Choice Award and Dragon’s Lair Austin’s Cosplay Symposium.
Jennifer has been a Cosplay Guest Judge at RTX, Tacticon and Genghis Con in Colorado. She regularly attends conventions to cover cosplay for BoLS. Her cosplay work has been featured in publications such as Girls Who Love Monsters, Geek Fuel, and Renaissance Magazine. Jennifer has modeled in the Her Universe Fashion Show, Precision Camera’s yearly Precision Camera University, and has taught several workshops for photographers about partnering with cosplayers and creative muses/models.
Jennifer is a lifelong enthusiast of retro video games and loves Dungeons & Dragons, urban fantasy, tabletop games, VR technology, and historical archery. She has set National Records through USA Archery’s Traditional Division for Asiatic Bows and earned 4th Place in the World Nomad Games in Kyrgyzstan in 2018 for Women’s Korean Archery. Jennifer is currently studying for her Masters’s Degree in Organizational Leadership.


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