Friends, the time has come to forge a new history for the orcs of Belkzen!

The Holds of Belkzen have tenuously come together thanks to the vision and martial prowess of their leader, Ardax the White-Hair, to stand against Tar-Baphon. However, this peace is fragile as ambitions stir and conspirators whisper against the current leadership. Aware that a nation divided can’t stand against its foes, Ardax has invited a group of dignitaries to a special event: Torrentmoot, where old grudges will be soothed, and history will be made!

The PCs are among these dignitaries, working to further their own ambitions and hoping to witness the historic formation of a truly unified Belkzen. But not everyone is interested in peace, and some would prefer to drag the worst parts of the orcs’ history out of the past and into the present.

Pathfinder Second Edition: Triumph of the Tusk Player's Guide Cover

Inside the Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide, you’ll find player-friendly, spoiler-free lore and tips to create an exciting character suited for the Triumph of the Tusk Adventure Path. Contents include:

  • An overview of the orc nation of the Holds of Belkzen, orc culture, and orc faiths.
  • Character advice, including ways various character classes and ancestries might excel in this Adventure Path.
  • Six new character backgrounds specifically designed for this Adventure Path, including Badlands Scout, Empty Hand Loyalist, and Self-Made.
  • A list of potential patrons and advice about why your character might be at Torrentmoot.

Join the orcs of Belkzen in protecting their homeland!
Download the Player’s Guide, preorder Triumph of the Tusk or subscribe to the Pathfinder Adventure Path line today!

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