
Launched on Kickstarter just a few hours ago, and already over half a million dollars, Terry Pratchett’s Discworld RPG: Adventures in Ankh-Morpork (now that’s a mouthful!) looks certain be be the next million-dollar TTRPG Kickstarter.

For £50 you can pick up the core rulebook and dice, or for £100 the full set for gamemasters (with cheaper PDF equivalents, of course).

The game is powered by Modiphius’s brand new Narrativium system, which is a rules-lite narrative game system based around telling silly stories; it doesn’t feature combat rules, choosing to place the emphasis on storytelling rather than mechanics.

As with most million-dollar Kickstarters, there’s a ton of fun add-ons–dice, collector’s editions, an adventure book, a dice tray, and more.

You can also watch a livestream of the game being played or grab the official quickstart for free.


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