
The Blood Angels are getting a new Combat Patrol. But is it worth the price of admission? Let’s break this box down and find out!

In case you didn’t know the Blood Angels are getting a new Combat Patrol loaded up with some new and old units. It’s a close combat focused force and it should slot in nicely with anyone’s existing Blood Angels army thanks to the units contained. But what sort of a deal are we getting with this one? We’re going to do some quick math to find out.

Blood Angels Combat Patrol


Blood Angels Captain $42

6x Sanguinary Guard $120

10x Assault Intercessors $62.50

Blood Angels Upgrades and Transfer sheet $35*

Total Individual MSRP: $259.50*


*Okay, so here’s where things get a little bit more interesting. We know the new Combat Patrols are going for $168. But what we aren’t 100% sure of is the price of the Blood Angels Upgrades and Transfer sheet. GW says it’s “two sets of Blood Angels upgrades and a transfer sheet of 540 individual decals.” The confusion is the new upgrade set that is linked costs $35 and comes with a Transfer sheet that has 225 decals. So if you were just getting two of those sets then it should actually be priced at $70. However, the decal sheet is either a different sheet altogether or …maybe someone got the numbers backwards? 225+225 = 450. Perhaps someone just fat fingered the numbers and typed 540 instead.

That’s a long way to say that if it IS two sets of the brand new upgrades then is should actually be $70 instead.

For now, we’re just going to lowball this one and leave it at $35 and do the math from there.

Total Savings $259.50 – $168 = $91.50


Considering you’re essentially getting the Assault Intercessors and the decals for the cost of TWO units of Sanguinary Guard and a new Captain…that seems like a pretty good deal.

Now, is this box worth getting two copies of? I think if you’re brand new to Blood Angels and you want to go all in with Sanguinary Guard then I could see making a case for this one. But if you’re a veteran and already have a Blood Angels army you might only want to snag one copy. Shoot, I’m thinking about it myself! I’m pretty sure I could find a use for all the models included in this Combat Patrol — beyond just playing Combat Patrol that is.

What do you think of the new Blood Angels Combat Patrol?


Writer, Editor, Texas Native, and now Tex-Pat, Adam covers all things Tabletop Gaming. Which includes Warhammer 40,000, Age of Sigmar, D&D, Board Games and everything else that involves dice, boards, cards and a table.
A hobbyist, player, and collector of miniatures and games, Adam’s current obsession are his Death and Chaos Armies for Age of Sigmar, his Blood Angels and Tyranids for 40k, an expanding collection of Marvel: Crisis Protocol minis, and his ever growing Arkham Horror: The Card Game Collection.


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