As detailed in the Labyrinth Worldbook (now in it’s closing days on Kickstarter) the Labyrinth is the “space between worlds.” Though most of the Labyrinth consists of tunnels, bridges, and stranger passageways, bottled cities and pocket dimensions lie within its twists.

Traveling the paths of the Labyrinth can be a life-changing experience, sometimes because it kills you. That’s why it is crucial to find those waystation shopping locations for the traveler in need. This exploration of shops found in the Labyrinth closes with a variety of smaller establishments scattered across the world between worlds. Some may last only as long as a pixie’s wingbeat, while others endure the trials and tribulations of time. Each offers unique wares and services for the discerning customer.

Acorn Phin’s

Type Public Business
Size A small cafe
Location anywhere in the Labyrinth
Proprietor Phinvan Leafcruncher
Notable Staff Various ratatosk chefs
Typical Goods Vegan meals and magical nuts

The cafe appears to be grown from a single wooden source, such as a massive tree, rather than fashioned from boards and timber. Even when found in a mortal city, the establishment seems grown, not built. Run by an entrepreneurial culinary ratatosk (see Tome of Beasts 1) named Phinvan Leafcruncher, Acorn Phin’s purports to offer the finest vegetarian and vegan meals anywhere in the Labyrinth. This boast might even be correct. Dining at Acorn Phin’s is to experience a masterwork of gastronomic delights, priced accordingly. A typical meal costs between 50 and 1,000 gp. The ingredients are sourced from across the Labyrinth, scurried to the restaurant each morning by intrepid ratatosk culinary explorers. 

In addition to the meals, Phinvan sells a selection of magical acorns, walnuts, and chestnuts. Each functions as a potion which must be eaten to activate. 


Type Public Business
Size A small shop
Location Varies (Anywhere in the Labyrinth)
Proprietor Mother Jedza 
Notable Staff
Typical Goods Bonus lives

This unassuming shop can be found tucked into the shadows of a dark alleyway in various major cities in the Labyrinth, moving around at the whim of its proprietor. The sign hanging above the door depicts a genderless outline of a human standing with arms stretched wide. Inside, the shop has the feel of a sitting room rather than a shop. There are no wares on display, just comfortable chairs and side-tables adorned with pieces of art. In fact, Extras offers only one product: an extra life.

A creature who partakes of the expensive service pay a hefty fee of 100,000 gp. In return, it must sit for several hours as a small, magical tattoo is placed on a body part of its choice. During that time, if the bearer of the tattoo dies for any reason, including disintegration or unfortunate deck of many things draw, it is immediately resurrected with half its normal hit points. Then the tattoo vanishes. If the tattoo is unused, it disappears after 1 year.

Secret. Mother Jedza, the elderly female human proprietor, is an avatar of Baba Yaga. Grandmother established Extras on a bet with the Lord of Demon Mountain over the lengths mortals will go to preserve their own lives. As with most things involving Baba Yaga, the extra life is more than it seems.

Extras does indeed provide an “extra life.” However, while a creature bears the tattoo, it experiences periodic bouts of bad luck. Up to three times per day, at moments of the GM’s choosing, the tattooed creature has disadvantage on any roll to avoid taking damage (including skill checks, saving throws, and death saves). Only a wish spell can remove the tattoo before its bearer dies or 1 year elapses.

Nova’s Aspectorium

Type Public Business
Size A small shop
Location Varies (typically in a large urban community)
Proprietor Madam Nova
Notable Staff
Typical Goods Change lineages and physical features, also a full-service fashion salon.

The door of this salon is marked with a golden letter N, but the windows are darkened and shaded to prevent the unworthy from viewing the wonders within. Madam Nova, a beautiful female human mage, only entertains one customer at a time and caters primarily to the rich and powerful. Appointments at the Aspectorium are made months in advance.

The primary service offered by Madam Nova is permanent physical alteration. For an exorbitant fee, she will alter physical features, sculpting flesh and bone to meet the desires of her clientele. The more she changes your form, the more expensive the cost. Minor alterations (such as coloration, slight shaping the face or body) begin at 2,000 gp. Completely changing a face and body costs 10,000gp. Though she doesn’t advertise it, Nova will graft new body parts onto a client if they provide the raw materials (starting at 15,000 gp per limb or organ.

Mechanically speaking, changing your form to that of another lineage doesn’t grant you the benefits of that lineage, but does give you advantage on CHA (Deception) checks to fool others into thinking you are of that lineage. 


Type Public Business
Size A small shop
Location Varies (typically in the Marketplace of the Midgard plane)
Proprietor Vissool Gaggaarth
Notable Staff Gaagar Vissoolspawn
Typical Goods Heirlings, Porters, Bodyguards, a selection of pets

The brilliant mimic adventurer and freelance spy, Vissool Gaggaarth brings his latest business venture to a plane near you. Rent-a-Mimic offers a variety of mimics, all personally pseudopod-selected and trained by Vissool himself. Need to move precious goods securely? Hire a chest mimic! Need a guide through dark places? Let a torch mimic show you the way! Want to make sure your home remains unburgled? Lock mimics will thwart any would-be-thieves! Or perhaps you need a cute companion for your adventures? Browse through our selection of pet mimics! Come on down to Rent-A-Mimic, our pseudopods are raised to help you!

Spectacular Spectacles

Type Public Business
Size A small shop
Location Varies (typically in a large urban community)
Proprietor Doctor Oculus (a telepathic oculo swarm)
Notable Staff Squinty the eye golem
Typical Goods. Eyewear, magical devices

A large pair of wooden spectacles hangs above the door of this upper-class establishment. The windows display the finest eye-glasses, monocles, and eyewear. Inside, the proprietor, Doctor Oculus expertly fits his glasses onto his customers, advising them on both fashion and function. In truth, Doctor Oculus is a clever, telepathic, and telekinetic oculo swarm (see Tome of Beasts 1) with a passion for beautiful eyewear. It uses its psionic powers to disguise itself as a member of the local lineage and pretend to have limbs. If it is discovered, it relies on its guardian, an eye golem (see Tome of Beasts 1) named “Squinty” for protection.  Aside from traditional spectacles and glasses, Doctor Oculus deals in magical eyewear such as eyes of minute seeing and goggles of night.

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