Delta Green opens up a new Humble Bundle that includes an annotated version of the King in Yellow alongside core rules, vtt files, and more.
A new Delta Green Humble Bundle launched today. This one includes all the usual stuff you might expect from an RPG Humble Bundle: the core rulebooks, the adventures, the splatbooks. The various VTT assets, since it’s 2025, and we live partially in cyberspace. Even though nobody says cyberspace anymore. Or meatspace, for that matter.
But taxonomic definitions of reality aside, there are all the bells and whistles you’d usually expect in the Delta Green Humble Bundle.
Plus, a copy of The King in Yellow, annotated by Delta Green designer Kenneth Hite. Not a sourcebook, but Robert W. Chambers’s original collection of short stories, published in 1895 – so even if you don’t pick up this bundle, you can still read it sans annotations for free pretty much anywhere, and you should. It’s one of the inspirations for Lovecraft’s mythos, only without getting sweaty anytime an Italian is on the page.
You can find this and all the other RPG stuff you need to run a game of Delta Green, the RPG of Cthulhu vs. a conspiracy of government agents who know the eldritch truth of our world and are determined to fight it.
Delta Green Humble Bundle

So, as mentioned, there are a ton of the usual suspects here. What does that mean? In this case, it means that at the highest tier ($25), you’ll get 58 different items, including the Delta Green Agent’s Handbook, the original Delta Green: Conspiracy sourcebook from the 90s, dozens of adventures ready to run, and all the digital handouts, map packs, agent dossiers, etc. that you might need to jump in and start playing.
You’ll find VTT packs for both Foundry and Roll20, which cover the two biggest bases where you’d be playing the games. And, as is always the case with these Humble Bundles, your purchase supports a good cause.
In this case, it supports Direct Relief, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization that works with healthcare professionals and organizations on the ground. It establishes partnerships with local organizations that provide health services to people who would otherwise not receive them. This means a quick response to natural disasters and other healthcare crises.
Delta Green implies the existence of six other Deltas, from Red thru Violet.
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