Ravensburger has announced a new installment of its Horrified board game series featuring Dungeons & Dragons monsters. Horrified: Dungeons & Dragons will pit players against four iconic D&D monsters, including a beholder. The new installment of Horrified will also utilize a D20 as a mechanic exclusive to this version of the board game.
The Horrified franchise features players trying to defeat multiple monsters, each of whom have their own defeat conditions. Typically, players must collect items scattered across the board and then utilize them in either a specific location on the board or meet the monster on whatever space its on to defeat it. Items have different colors and number values, which are often incorporated into the win conditions of each monster. Complicating matters are civilian NPCs that can be defeated by the monsters (which results in a doom/death tracker advancing) and need to be safely escorted to specific locations.
To date, there have been four Horrified installments, one focused on Universal Monsters, one focused on American cryptids, one focused on Greek mythological monsters, and one focused on a hodgepodge of monsters from different cultures (including Cthulhu.)
Horrified: Dungeons & Dragons will be released this summer.
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